
Taiwan is the regional leader in orthopedics. Taiwan has developed several subspecialty in the field of orthopedics. These subspecialties are mainly classified by parts, such as spinal surgery, hand surgery, joint reconstruction, trauma orthopedics, sports medicine, bon oncology, pediatric orthopedics, and so on.

Taiwan’s hospital is especially good at joint replacement and sports medicine. There are 20,000 cases of joint replacement an year on average. Almost every regional and teaching hospital performs the procedure up to US' standards.

Moreover, Taiwan widely uses MIS surgery, computer-aided navigation and rotation osteotomy to reduce the tissue trauma during operation and shorten the restoration time significantly. In general, patients can take care of themselves the day after the surgery and return to their normal life within two weeks.


  • Orthopedics
  • National Cheng Kung University dean intimate look orthopedic clinic

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