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Cien (Caringfield) Charity Farm

Phone:886-4-8681199 Address:526 No.20, Ln. 61, Guangfu Rd., Erlin Township
Cien (Caringfield) Charity Farm, an affiliation of Caringfield Foundation, regards helping the mental and physical disabled people to make a living by offering them a venue to grow flowers and plants as merchandizes. In the charity shop, these disabled people also make floral products, handmade soap, handmade medicated soap, and more for sale at the charity shops. Cien Charity Farm is located at Hualun Village, Erlin Town, Changhua County, starting to operate in 2004. Its major mission is to teach disabled people to farm and orient them with skills in horticulture. They use organic fertilizer made from vegetable leaves to irrigate and improve the soil and provide nutrients to the fruits and plants in the farm. All the farm produce are organic and toxic free. Welcome to purchase from Cien Charity Farm to enjoy organic farm produce and offer disable opportunities for the disabled people to earn their own livings.
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