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Tianzhong Forest Park and Chishuiqi Trail (Nostalgic hiking tour)

Phone:886-4-8761122 Address:520 No.277, Zhongnan 2nd Rd., Tianzhong Township
Located at the east end of Tianzhong, Tianzhong Forest Park is full of plants and flowers. With diverse landform, there are various kinds of vegetation. The trail system has many natural paths running around the slopes. Just follow the path, you will arrive at the “Tea Fragrance Trail,” where the tea’s fragrance abounds, bringing you much pleasure. Chishuiqi Trail was originally the path between Tianzhong and Nantou. There are green grasslands on both sides of the path, with various animal and plant ecological zones, Huge Rock Park, and more along it. Rich and diverse in animals and plants, it is a nice leisure trail for the whole family.
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