Oil、Gas Perfusion

Hospitalization: No

Appointment: Yes

Price: NT$ 25,000 ~ 25,000 Foreign Exchange Rate(The information is indicative only)

Payments: Cach, Credit Card

Treatment introduction
Reduced pulling force of vitreous to retinal reattachment.
Post-surgical Care
1.Your eye may be sore for several weeks, although this is less likely following a vitrectomy, in which modern fine-gauge instruments are used. 2.Your vision will be blurry – it may take some weeks, or even three to six months, for your vision to improve. 3.Your eye may water. 4.Expect a ‘gritty’ feeling on the surface of your eye if stitches have been used. 5.Avoid rubbing or pressing on your eye. 6.You may need to wear an eye pad for protection at night while your eye is healing. 7.Be sure to follow all directions for medications, such as eye drops. 8.Avoid vigorous activity for some weeks following surgery. 9.Obey all instructions on head positioning. 10.See your surgeon immediately if you experience severe pain.