Children's lower urinary tract dysfunciton treatment

Hospitalization: No

Appointment: Yes

Price: Price must be evaluated by physicians. Foreign Exchange Rate(The information is indicative only)

Payments: Cach, Credit Card

Treatment introduction
Children’s lower urinary tract dysfunciton (bladder and urethra dysfunction) often cause bed-wetting, urine incontinence, overactive bladder, dysuria, bladder outlet obstruction, urinary tract infection, vesicoureteral reflux and hydronephrosis. Our urology department investigated more than a thousand children’s bladder function and established children’s normal reference value of post void residual urine, and the reference value was adoped by International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS) as a new world standard in 2014. Peak uroflowmetry nomogram, the Tzu Chi Nomogram, is a valuable parameter in defining lower urinary dysfunciton.
Post-surgical Care
Provide patient discharge health education and home care skills
Hospital day depending on the patient's condition 兒童排尿障礙診斷與治療