Hospitalization: No

Appointment: Yes

Price: Price must be evaluated by physicians Foreign Exchange Rate(The information is indicative only)

Post-surgical Care
On the day just after surgery you may have a little lacrimation, foreign body sensation, photophobia, blurred vision, etc. Do not worry about it, because four or six hours later, the vision would be better. And you should try to sleep for a rest after back home, if so, the abovementioned symptoms would be improved obviously and disappeared gradually one day later, moreover, the naked distant vision would be improved obviously too. However, if suffered high diopters, the person’s vision would be restored slower. Medication after surgery: The oral dose of medicine for inflammation and pain prevention should be taken four times one day. The steroidal, antibiotic and artificial tears eye drops shall be applied based on doctor’s instructions. ※ Steroidal eye drops: assistance in healing of wound. ※ Antibiotic eye drops: Prevent wound from inflammation and infection ※ Artificial tears: Lessen dryness of eyes In daily life In the following three days after surgery, you should wear patch when sleeping at night to prevent cornea from pressing or rubbing, pay attention to personal hygiene, and try to avoid touching eyes by hands for bacterial infection or corneal dislocation prevention. ※ If going out after surgery, you had better wear goggles or zero-power glasses to prevent from wind and sun. ※ Bath: Avoid water going into eyes to prevent eyes from discomfort. ※ Shampoo: Go to beauty salon for a shampoo as much as you can or wear aero-power goggles to wash your hair. ※ Face washing: spread facial cleanser on face except the part around eyes and mop it up with wet towel.
Dos and Don'ts on the Day of Surgery 1. Please come for operation accompanied by a friend or relative on the day of surgery; 2. Try not to wear contact lenses before operation; ﹡ Must stop wearing hard contact lenses 2 weeks before operation ﹡ Must stop wearing soft contact lenses 3 days before operation 3. Never use cosmetics around eyes (e.g. eye shadow, mascara or eye liner) on the day of surgery and clean the part around eyelid as much as possible before operation; 4. Wear comfortable clothes (wide-necked jacket or loose trousers, short trousers would be better, do not wear pullover); 5. Can have normal diets before operation; 6. Do not wear any ornaments and use perfume, essential oil or cologne on the day of surgery.