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Phone:886-5-3621855 Address:613 Taizi Blvd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
The Glass Bricks, stuffed with the articles donated by the local people in Chiayi, together with the earth bricks from various Asian countries, form a glass house. It demonstrates the general preference of local chiayi people, showcases the ideals of united quality sense and multifunctional integration of the Asian lands, and highlights the cultural simultaneity of the past, present, and future between Chiayi and other Asian areas.Leung, an artist of BFA, L'Ecole Nationlae Superieure des Beau-Arts a Paris, France, and MFA, California Institued of Arts, USA, is currently a lecturer at the Academy of Visual Art, Baptist University, Hong Kong. Her art work genres include mixed media, video, multimedia installation and even-based project, exhibited at Guangzhou Triennal, Shanghai Biennale, and Dig-video Art Festival, Russia.
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