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Erziping Trail

Phone:886-2-27208889 Address:112 Taipei CityBeitou Dist.No. 1-20, Zhuzihu Rd., Yangmingshan
Located between the main peak of Mt. Datun and Mt. Erzi, the approximately 2-kilometer long Erziping Trail was built along a volcano-tectonic depression in Yangmingshan and ranked as the country's top 10 scenic trails, rivaling those in the Alishan and Taroko Gorge. Thanks to its evenly paved surface and pleasant weather, this wide, barrier-free footpath is the most accessible one in Yangmingshan National Park. In addition to three ponds, scenic highlights and the balmy weather thanks to its location in the lee side of Mt. Datun, the Erziping Trail Recreation Area spans the subtropical and warm temperate zones, making it virtually Nature's classroom with impressively diverse vegetation ranging from forest trees (mostly Red Nanmu, Japanese Black Pine and Chinese Sweet Gum), arborescent plants, shrubs and ferns of all kinds, to food plants for butterflies, nectar-yielding plants and aquatic plants. It is perfect for a casual stroll and also for such activities as butterfly- and bird-watching, mountaineering, hiking, sightseeing, day-tripping and flora observation.
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