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【Tungs' Hospital】Peculiar Sensation of Obstruction in British Engineer's Throat, Leading to Difficulty in Breathing!!

Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital   Last Update:2024-05-01

Mr. Dave is an engineer working at wind farms along the coast of Taiwan. He visited Tungs' Hospital due to a peculiar sensation of obstruction in his throat, leading to difficulty breathing. Seeking answers, he went to the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, where Dr. Yi-Ting Kuo performed an ultrasound examination. The diagnosis revealed that he had a thyroid nodule, prompting the extraction of a sample for further analysis

Fortunately, the results showed that the thyroid nodule was benign. Dr. Kuo promptly referred Dave to the Thyroid Ablation ANTD Image-guided Therapy Department for Alcohol Ablation Treatment. Despite initial nervousness, Dave bravely underwent the treatment, and he said it wasn’t as painful as he thought it would be. After a successful treatment, Dave regained smooth breathing, marking a satisfying conclusion to his medical journey.


Thyroid Nodules:

According to statistics, approximately 20% of people over 40 have thyroid nodules. These nodules, which are palpable lumps beneath the skin, may present as fluid-filled cysts or solid tumors, often without noticeable symptoms. Generally, thyroid nodules do not significantly impact health unless they grow large enough to compress the trachea, esophagus, or recurrent laryngeal nerve, potentially causing swallowing difficulties or hoarseness.

Nodules can be classified as benign or malignant, and while the risk of benign nodules transforming into cancerous cells increases with their growth, the likelihood of thyroid nodules developing into thyroid cancer is very low, with fewer than 1 person out of 100 affected.

What to do if you have thyroid nodules?

Thyroid nodules are typically discovered through routine health examinations or by noticing swelling in the neck. There is no need to panic if abnormalities are detected during examination, as most nodules are benign. Further evaluation through ultrasound can help determine whether the nodules may pose any health risks or become malignant. If the nodules are small (less than 4 centimeters), the risk of thyroid cancer is low, and regular monitoring per the physician's instructions is usually sufficient.

If nodules grow large enough to compress the esophagus or trachea, medical attention is warranted, and surgical removal may be recommended following evaluation by a physician. Suspicion of malignant tumors can be confirmed through cell examination via fine-needle aspiration if irregularities, calcifications, or dark appearances are detected during ultrasound. In such cases, surgical intervention may be necessary, followed by radioactive iodine therapy to eradicate cancerous cells in the thyroid gland. Regular follow-up monitoring is typically advised for post-operative care.


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