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W Story: Lovley twins came visit Dr. Hsieh

Dr. Wang Reproductive Fertility Center   Last Update:2024-08-24


On Saturday morning, a pair of lovely twins came visit Dr. Hsieh.

They were born just 1 minute apart.

Patients said that she never thought she would need IVF to help her achieve their dream to become parents since all the hormone level ​​showed normal.

They didn’t take it seriously when friends with IVF experience told them that “it would be more efficient to do IVF”

They've tried several rounds of oral ovulation pills and artificial insemination (IUI).

They decided to go for IVF after several failed rounds of IUI.

They remember vividly that their number of eggs collected during 1st egg retrieval was not as expected and she had emotional breakdown just after she recover in the operating room. However, she was very grateful to the team for giving "just enough" care in a timely manner. She said that the moment was "really, really, really needed."

They hang tight and when it comes to their second egg retrieval, the number of matured egg, the fertilization and blastocyst formation rates were much better than the first time. The second embryo transfer resulted in a successful pregnancy, and they were so excited when the doctor told them that he saw the fetal heartbeats. They had not thought about the huge challenges in life - until the day the twins were officially born.



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