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  • A thank you letter from Adam's Father
    10-Year-Old French Boy Finds His Confident Smile Through Speech Therapy at NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch

    10-Year-Old French Boy Finds His Confident Smile Through Speech Therapy at NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch

    NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch Center for International Health recently celebrated a heartwarming success story that highlights the transformative power of specialized medical care. Adam, a 10-year-old French boy, overcame significant speech challenges through the dedicated efforts of the International Outpatient Clinic's medical professionals.o:p>/o:p> Adam, a lively yet somewhat shy boy, belongs to a multinational family. His father is French, and his mother is Brazilian, and the family frequently relocates due to his father's job. Currently residing in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Adam is fluent in French, Portuguese, and English. However, in late 2023, Adam’s parents noticed that he had difficulty correctly pronouncing sounds like "sh", "z", and "s". This issue affected his interactions with schoolmates, causing distress for Adam, who needs peer companionship during this crucial stage of his development.o:p>/o:p> Finding the Right Helpo:p>/o:p> After thorough research, Adam's parents discovered the NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch Center for International Health. We arranged for Adam to be seen by Dr. Shu-Mei Yang from the Rehabilitation Department and Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) Hui-An Huang through the International Outpatient Clinic. The clinic is renowned for its dedicated nursing staff who accompany international patients, reducing language barriers and ensuring a smooth and reassuring experience from appointment scheduling, consultations, tests, and medication pickup to follow-up care.o:p>/o:p> Expert Care and Personalized Treatmento:p>/o:p> In the special consultation room, Dr. Shu-Mei Yang assessed Adam’s English speaking ability through conversations and picture descriptions, diagnosing him with articulation disorder. Given Adam's age, immediate speech therapy was arranged. Speech therapy sessions were conducted weekly with SLP. Huang, who holds a B.A. of foreign languages and literatures and a M.S. of Speech language pathology. SLP. Huang invited Adam’s parents to join the sessions, believing that speech therapy extends beyond the hospital and should continue at home in daily life. She meticulously analyzed each of Adam’s pronunciation issues and their causes, enabling his parents to provide consistent reminders and corrections at home.o:p>/o:p> Adapting to Festivities and Daily Life in therapyo:p>/o:p> Additionally, the therapy adapted to time and festivities. During Christmas, Adam learned the song "Jingle Bells" in class, practicing sentence connections through singing, which made the lesson enjoyable and enriching. After the class, Adam wrote a Christmas card for SLP. Huang, creating a wonderful holiday memory.o:p>/o:p> Remarkable Progresso:p>/o:p> After five months of intensive therapy, Adam’s father noticed significant improvement. At the end of the school term, he wrote to the clinic to express his gratitude, stating that Adam's teachers unanimously acknowledged the effectiveness of the therapy and mentioned Adam’s progress in class. Encouraged by his father, Adam set a goal to score 80% on a follow-up test. Upon successfully completing the speech therapy, SLP. Huang created a special English certificate for Adam, bringing tears to the normally shy boy’s eyes. He gave SLP. Huang a hug, expressing his gratitude.o:p>/o:p> Long-Term Successo:p>/o:p> Three months after the therapy concluded, Adam returned to the International Outpatient Clinic for a follow-up on his pronunciation. Dr. Shu-Mei Yang and SLP. Huang evaluated him, finding that Adam not only maintained his corrected pronunciation but also made further improvements. The treatment was deemed complete, and no further visits were necessary. The once-shy Adam happily took a photo with the doctor and speech therapist, stepping out of the clinic ready to embrace a more confident life.o:p>/o:p> A Beacon of Hopeo:p>/o:p> “Our International Outpatient Clinic at NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch covers all specialties and is dedicated to providing top-notch care for international patients,” said Dr. Sung Hsi, Huang, the Head of Center for International Health. “Stories like Adam’s inspire us to continue our mission of delivering compassionate and effective healthcare services.”o:p>/o:p> For more information about the services offered at NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch Center for International Health, please contact us at or +886-3-5326151 ext:526780-526781. !--[endif]-->

    #Health Screening
  • 【Taipei Fertility Center 】 A Remarkable Journey of Pregnancy at Advanced Maternal Age
    【Taipei Fertility Center 】 A Remarkable Journey of Pregnancy at Advanced Maternal Age

    【Taipei Fertility Center 】 A Remarkable Journey of Pregnancy at Advanced Maternal Age

    At 41 years old, after 12 years of attempting to conceive with an AMH of 0.65 ng/mL, her path was undeniably arduous. This challenging case demanded racing against time and strategically focusing treatment where it truly mattered. Drawing on years of accumulated clinical experience, Dr. Lin planned 2 consecutive cycles of egg retrieval, cultivating embryos initially without performing PGS. The first transfer involved 2 embryos, but unfortunately it failed. Undeterred, the second attempt with 4 embryos resulted in the implantation of 2, with ultimately only 1 successfully developing. Dr. Lin closely monitored this couple's situation, and his dedication paid off when they received the reassuring news of a normal amniocentesis at 28 weeks into a safe pregnancy! Reflecting on their journey, Dr. Lin emotionally expressed, "Caring for them has been incredibly moving, and I feel a profound sense of accomplishment. I'm thankful to my patients for trusting my medical assessments and clinical decisions, and I'm grateful to God for making all of this possible." TFC wishes everyone the best of luck! 📍Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivf 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download: Android Download:

    #Artificial Reproduction#Medical Tourism
  • 【Dr. Wang Reproductive Fertility Center】It Takes A Village To Create A Child
    【Dr. Wang Reproductive Fertility Center】It Takes A Village To Create A Child

    【Dr. Wang Reproductive Fertility Center】It Takes A Village To Create A Child

    An African proverb: It takes a village to raise a child! Our W purpose: It takes a village to create a child at W, no one is an outsider! Let alone TWO child! o:p>/o:p> A 36-year-old Japanese patient, has gone through many times of egg retrieval, embryo PGS, and several miscarriages. Carrying all the hardness and heavy frustration at such a young age is difficult for others to imagine. It’s lucky to be at W, a non-PGS embryo finally makes her pregnant! o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> There is an advantage in W, when you come in W, many doctors will take care of you together regardless of each other! These reproductive doctors and rheumatologist are never worry about transferring patients, they think as a doctor should make you well with whole their heart. The superintendent Dr.Wang says, the pregnant rate is first thing of all, don’t push your patient to do any unnecessary treatment. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> In Dr.Chen, Superintendent Wang, Dr. Yang’s good hands and discussions, this young couple finally successed without PGS. After carefully picking two embryoes, immunitive use the simple least dose of asprin and heparin plus a low dose of intralipid, finally bring a pair of lovely biracial babies into the world. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Ah! A twin is a kind of healing (to us), so as to show the W spirit—A whole village’s love! Our nurses can not help but eager to hold the babies while withdrawing the blood and doing the injections! Our nurses have baby-sitting experiences! Wbestivf nursing home! I encourage you W parents registerd our immursive baby-sitting service as early as possible. (You know it’s only a joke.)o:p>/o:p>

    #Artificial Reproduction
  • 【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan
    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    ..News Anchor Hsu Yun Xiang (Ariane Hsu) froze her embryos five years ago with Dr. Tzeng's help. The plan of having a second child has been put off because she had a hectic life with her schooling, career, and family.. News Anchor Ariane said: “I eventually finished my thesis last year, and I felt it was time to bring the child home. I felt no concern even though I was going to need injections and medication because I told myself these are guardian shots, and these shots are able to keep my baby safe in the womb. During the treatment, once again, Dr. Tzeng exceeded our expectations. We are so fortunate that transferring of the single embryo resulted in success after just one attempt. Our baby "moved in" with ease. 🤩 I chose TFC Taipei Fertility Center due to Dr. Tzeng, who is called the father of IVF in Taiwan because he created the very first IVF baby in Taiwan. Moreover, TFC provides round-the-clock support with empathetic and experienced medical professionals. I was well taken care of during the whole treatment.” With Ariane's effort and perseverance, she is expecting her second child in 2024. "Believe in yourself! You might catch the sweet cadence of joyous heartbeats.🧡" 📍Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivf 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download: Android Download:

    #Artificial Reproduction
  • 【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan
    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    Taipei Fertility Center / Case Sharing from Taiwan I’m a patient who had one of my ovaries removed. I was diagnosed with the cancer when I was in college. After finishing my whole cancer treatment, my husband and I had started our family-forming plan for 2 years, and got nothing sadly. Then I met Dr.Hu when I was 38. At that time, my AMH value was only 0.3ng/ml because of my age and the lesion caused by chemotherapy before. During the IVF treatment, I was suggested with 2 options – collecting my eggs by several retrieval surgeries or egg donation. Although I was so anxious, I decided to go for 4 times of egg retrievals without hesitation, and luckily I got 9 eggs collected! Finally, 3 embryos were implanted into my uterus, and I was pregnant successfully with the singleton. Few months after, I came back to see Dr.Hu with my precious 8-month-old baby. I told my baby that this is the second time he met Dr.Hu. The first time happened in the time-lapse incubator when he is still an embryo. What a strong vitality! It’s such an amazing miracle we won’t ever forget. Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download:>/o:p> Android Download:

    #Artificial Reproduction
  • Taipei Fertility Center
    【Taipei Fertility Center】Patient Story-You're precious and treasured!

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Patient Story-You're precious and treasured!

    “We are deeply grateful to Dr. Ho for his invaluable assistance in identifying where our problems stem from and providing effective solutions, which ultimately led to the successful arrival of our precious baby. Dr. Ho has not only been our medical caregiver but also a great source of mental support and encouragement. He is simultaneously the problem solver and the tower of strength to us. Sometimes, I inevitably got a mental breakdown, but Dr. Ho always maintained a gentle yet firm attitude, urging us to keep moving forward during our IVF treatment. I couldn’t ask for a better doctor than him!” Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download:>/o:p> Android Download:

    #Artificial Reproduction#Medical Tourism
  • Tristan Torbett (middle) with Jackie Jones (left) and Adam Quigley. (Photo courtesy of Adam Quigley)
    Landseed International Hospital saved the life of US soccer player Tristan Torbett. Change the nightmare into a miracle.

    Landseed International Hospital saved the life of US soccer player Tristan Torbett. Change the nightmare into a miracle.

    US Yahoo

  •  WStory: I Thought Being A Mother Was Only A Dream
    WStory: I Thought Being A Mother Was Only A Dream

    WStory: I Thought Being A Mother Was Only A Dream

    Many patients from Hong Kong that couldn’t show up at Home-coming during Covid pandemic start to bring the babies “home.” The mom and baby Woei came visit us under rigid sun in the morning just for seeing Dr. Wang! Your visit is so sweet!o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> How soon the time has gone! The little boy has been 4 years old! See how happy Dr. Wang smile while holding him! o:p>/o:p> Now you’ve been wrap up in the pair of children with your full love.o:p>/o:p> Those days of IVF treatment, fertility shots, eggs retrievival and embryo transfer, many same-day trips between Hong Kong and Taipei, and had to do the shots by yourself… seems gone far for long… o:p>/o:p> Oh, I forgot to tell you, receiving your hand-writing letter, Dr. Wang and team are so touched. The bliss-fulfilled full-family picture made us understand why we Are here. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> To Dr. Wang and Team, o:p>/o:p> I thought being a mother was just a dream. I can’t believe the dream become reality.o:p>/o:p> Since getting married in 2014, I start TTC in 2016. We were young then, never thought it should be such a bumpy road. In a year and half, I went through several miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> At the time I never considered myself becoming a mother until I met Dr. Wang. Thank you made my dream come true, and made my life and family complete. I thought time’s ticking then; therefore I directly quit myself and dedicate to my IVF treatment. It started since early 2018, fertility shots, egg retrieval and embryo transfer, and many same-day trip between Taipei and Hong Kong with self-injection. During all these I deeply felt Dr. Wang and Teams’ love and professional care. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> We had our baby Woei, when we had our 2nd embryo transfer, and have a Woei baby. Although the whole pregnancy I was always trembling with fear and scare, it was all heart gripping story. From the first time I heard the little one’s heart beats, seeing him moving hands and legs, feeling the true baby moving. I dare not to take it for real till he was born. I held him and listened to his crying, I truly believed I have been a mother. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> However the covid pandemic came right after the first baby was born, we can not visit Taiwan to show our appreciation. Now the big brother has been nearly four and he also bring us his younger brother. Everyday we watch them fight, really noisy and tiresome, but it’s a sense of fulfillment. I only hope the two brothers will grow healthily and happily. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> At last, I truly thank for Dr. Wang and Teamo:p>/o:p> Wish you joy and happiness. o:p>/o:p>

    #Artificial Reproduction
  • #Artificial Reproduction
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