The Luoshan Recreation Area is located in Luoshan Village, Fuli Township. The population of this small farming village, located on the Coastal Mountain Range, is 80% Hakka, the remaining 20% being Fukien Taiwanese and Pingpu Aborigines. In light of the abundant natural scenic resources of Luoshan Village, the East Rift Valley National Scenic Area has integrated the recreational resources in this area, making this place into a recreation area.The Luoshan Waterfalls are the most famous scenic spot of the Luoshan Recreation Area. These waterfalls are located by the upper reaches of the Luozih River, and are the result of faults located along the Coastal Mountain Range. They are about 120 meters in height, and divided into higher and lower levels. With their vast amounts of water, the falls look very imposing. From Provincial Highway No.9, these waterfalls look like a silver chain suspended from the verdant, green cliffs. The terrain of the Coastal Mountain Range surrounding the waterfalls is very steep, and as a result, most of this area still contains undamaged, pristine forests in a natural atmosphere. Thus, as one looks to the east, at the rift valley plain, the simplicity of Luoshan Village's scenic fields make a panoramic view.Luoshan Mud Volcano, located near to the Luoshan Waterfalls, is an uncommon spectacle of mud and fire sources found together. The local people call the mud volcano "Salt Ground", because the ejected mud not only contains gas, but has a salty smell. The people who lived close to the mud volcano knew early on that the gas ejected from it could be collected and used as fuel for heating water and cooking food. Perhaps they were the first people in the Hualien area to start using "natural gas"!Because the mud ejected from the volcano has a low alkaline content, and is of a salt matter that is impervious to water, most plants cannot grow in this area. However, amazingly, thi...