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Xinwen Jiaying Temple

Phone:886-5-3431302 Address:625 No.81, Xinwen, Budai Township, Chiayi County Taiwán, R.O.C
Built more than 280 years ago, Jiaying Temple is a religious center significant to fishermen. The temple started out as a simple thatch hut by the coast. As it gradually became an efficacious temple swarmed with pious pilgrims, the temple was relocated to the side of the Provincial Highway No.17 for better accessibility.A massive water-dash ceremony to usher in Kewang, the Guest King, is held annually on March 27th of the lunar calendar. Nankuenshen Daitien Temple's three Wangyes, Beigang Chao-Tien Temple's Tanganma and Puzi Peitian Temple's Sanma are all invited to take part in the ceremony that requires deity's sedan carriers to dash into the sea to usher in Kewang. The festive folklore practice is of considerable influence no less than that of the Matzu Pilgrimage.
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