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Qingshui Cliff

Phone:886-3-8621100 Address:972 Suhua Highway,, Xiulin Township, Hualien County 972, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Qingshui Cliff is located between Suhua Highway(Hwy. No. 9), Heren and Chongde. It is 12 km long, 5 of which span the coastline. This 5 km stretch has a majestic natural beauty. When traveling through this section, you can see both the rugged cliff and the endless ocean at the same time, making one wondering how much work the pioneers had to put into building this section of road.Suhua Highway has recently undergone reconstruction to widen the road, which was accomplished by constructing tunnels. The old highway has become a wonderful scenic route along the ocean. Visitors can have a good view of the waves crashing into the rocky coast. This magnificent area has been designated as one of the Eight Wonders of Taiwan.
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