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Shiding Danlan Gallery

Phone:886-2-26631354 Address:223 No. 87 Shiding East Street, Shiding Township, Taipei County
Shiding has been an impor tant center of production for a type of green tea styled by the Queen of England as Oriental Beauty since the 18th century. There also is a type of BaoZhong (Pouchong) tea. The two varieties have made it one of the three largest tea markets in Taiwan. During the Taiwan black gold rush, Shiding, Shiding served Taiwan as an important coal mining region. There is normally no cole here anymore, but there are plenty of remains. As a means to preserve this tourist historic resource, the locals have turned the original local government HQ into the Shiding Center for Orchid Arts. On F1 is a reception area introducing Shiding Township history, environs, et. al. 2F is a for exhibitions, 3F is for activities and meetings. The idea is that through arts and culture, we can preserve the local culture.
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