【Taipei Fertility Center】 “You Have No Time to Waste” from a happy, healthy and seemingly fit woman in Australia
【Taipei Fertility Center】 “You Have No Time to Waste” from a happy, healthy and seemingly fit woman in Australia
From a happy, healthy, and seemingly fit woman, all of a sudden, I was told I have not much time left.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> First extraction - Australiao:p>/o:p> Now I look back my first experience in Australia, was quite a daunting process with little that I was explained - I used to have quite a lot of faith in Australian medical system given my last 20 years of living in Australia and my early years in Hong Kong. Comparatively, I deem myself as very fortunate, I experienced the best out of the 2 places I call home, before I experienced what is better in Taiwan.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Why Taiwan?o:p>/o:p> Taiwan stood out to me as the first resort, as I recall my successful eye laser surgery back in 2014. I have long heard about the positive experience of receiving medical services in Taiwan, from a lot of news and articles, even friends around me.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> A lot of my Taiwanese friends would wait until they can return home, to get their bodies fixed basically - even from dental appointment or their annual health check, to minor procedures and even major operation. They would rather endure the pain until they can return home.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> I never used to understand them, and I even once joked about their being a “baby”.o:p>/o:p> “Come on, be an adult and you’re in Australia already. Stop revert everything back home!o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> I must admit Taiwan is not the only country that offers egg freezing procedure but after balancing all factors including affordability, medical and technological advancement, and possibility of receiving support from friends and family in case of emergency or eveno:p>/o:p> repatriation, Taiwan was unparalleled. After all, even if I got enough in the end, I know I would still enjoy the sight-seeing and reconnection with a few friends.o:p>/o:p> There’s a Chinese saying, 沒有比較就沒有傷害 - Compare and despair.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> I can spend another thousand words on how I landed on choosing Taipei TFC but my experience with them was just top notch.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> From my first contact - the fact that I could even contact them via WhatsApp, till landing myself in Taipei to my seeing my specialist for the first time, the whole journey was very smooth, transparent and I felt I was well supported.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Not only everyone I was put in contact with speaks fluent English but all relevant materials, information on their website and their awareness of geographical factors and limitations were something I would not ask for, but they have them all.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Experience can be subjective so for those result-oriented readers:o:p>/o:p> The number of mature eggs extracted without any scientifically significant change in my AMH level was more than 3 times more than what I had in Australia, and there is only 1 month gap between the 2 extractions.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Let the story continue!o:p>/o:p> After this experience, I just wanted more people like me do not feel despair but DO COMPARE! Sometimes alternatives are out there for those who seek, and different results can be achieved by simply looking for second opinion or even just give yourself a chance in a different country.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> The positive experience I had throughout the process, the relieving result of the egg extraction or simply everywhere I have been to in Taiwan, including all the good food, nice people and beautiful sceneries in Taiwan (I managed to travel around Taipei, Jiufen and even Kaohsiung) came as a package for this success, or even if it reached my bottom line of expectation, I know I would still be winning and smiling.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> All in all, I was grateful for the medical and supporting team in Taipei TFC, especially Dr. Lee Yi-Hsuan, for looking after me. Thanks for giving me an opportunity and a “home” for my weary soul who has been exhausted in looking for options during this once I believed was a rat race.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> When I totally respect the merits, and pros and cons in any circumstances including the medical systems in Australia and Taiwan, I know I always have a choice.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> And I have chosen to return to Taipei TFC for my second extraction in November.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> I can’t wait to share my next chapter of this journey - when I will have to be ino:p>/o:p> consultation with both local medical team in Australia and in Taipei as I do not have the recommended 15 days to stay in Taipei for the full procedure.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Jenny Chiu – Oct 2023o:p>/o:p> Introduction of MD. Yi-Xuan Lee:www.tfcivf.com/en/doctor/content/28 o:p>/o:p> Opening Hours:www.tfcivf.com/en/outpatiento:p>/o:p> 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp:https://wa.me/886928651058 📍E-mail:admservice@tfcivf.como:p>/o:p> 📍TFC App: iOS Download:https://pse.is/3pj328o:p>/o:p> Android Download:https://pse.is/3ppxzz#
#Artificial Reproduction