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Cilan Forest Recreation Area

Phone:886-3-9809606 Address:Traveling through Chiang Kai-shek Chateau, flower
Traveling through Chiang Kai-shek Chateau, flower and tree appreciation area, cherry apricot peach trail, and forest trail, passengers can enjoy 14 aerobic exercise facilities and Little Tarzan Forest Recreation Area as they wish. It is fun to approach the mountain forests.Cilan Forest Recreation Area has European buildings and small blockhouses in the forest. They provide comfortable resident facilities for passengers who come here to enjoy phytoncide. Tuchang Village, Datong Township is located at the intersection of North Cross-Island Highway and its Yilan Branch (Tai 7 Jia Provincial Line). It is about 38 kilometers from Yilan City and Juodong Township, and it is along the inevitable way to Taiping Mountain and Peach Mountain. The terraced nursery gardens grow cryptomeria. Don't forget to taste the local specialty grown here-monkey head mushroom. The only giant juniper area in Yilan-Cilan Giant Tree Garden is located at the 12th kilometer along Cilan Forest Road. Most junipers in the garden are primitive trees older than one thousand years. There are 51 junipers and cypress distributing in the garden. They are respectively named according to their growing age, such as Confucius Divine Tree and Tang Taizong Divine Tree. These names are interesting and educational.
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