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Kunxiwan Cultural Park- Sea-Viewing Pedestrian Bridge

Phone:886-6-2625160 Address:702 No.600, Binnan Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 702, Taiwan (R.O.C.), South Dist., Tainan City 702
  • Nearby hospital (in 30 KM, Total 8 items)
  • Scenic Spots (in 2 KM, Total 16 items)
  • Accommodations (in 2 KM, Total 7 items)
    • Lian.lian.guan Phone:886-935-696111 Address:No. 32, Aly. 38, Ln. 102, Kunshen Rd., South Dist., Tainan City , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Kunxi Bay Travel Phone:886-908-523965 Address:No. 164, Kunshen Rd., South Dist., Tainan City , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Hotel Chateau Anping Phone:886-6-2653099 Address:5F., No.47, Xinjian Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 702, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Tabe Mariyang Wagi Phone:886-909-691787 Address:No. 7, Ln. 119, Yuguang Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Yu-Guang Twilight B&B Phone:886-900-628226 Address:No. 9, Ln. 119, Yuguang Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Yu-Guang Phone:886-900-628226 Address:No. 8, Ln. 119, Yuguang Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Golden Mao House Phone:886-6-3912113 Address:No.1, Ln. 119, Yuguang Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Restaurants (in 2 KM, Total 15 items)
    • 喜樹夜市 Phone:886-6-6353226 Address:喜樹路222巷52號前廣場, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 土城聖母廟夜市 Phone:886-6-6353226 Address:安城北路160號(正統鹿耳門聖母廟廣場), South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 同安夜市 Phone:886-6-6353226 Address:安同安路與大安街交叉口, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 阿地牛排 Phone:886-6-2612768 Address:明興路62號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 阿地牛排 Phone:886-6-2612768 Address:明興路62號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 小卷米粉 Phone:886-6-2618753 Address:台南市中華西路一段2巷5號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 小卷米粉 Phone:886-6-2618753 Address:台南市中華西路一段2巷5號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 新百祿燕窩觀光工廠 Phone:886-6-2650924 Address:新和路38號(安平工業區), South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 新百祿燕窩觀光工廠 Phone:886-6-2650924 Address:新和路38號(安平工業區), South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 海拔900米咖啡 Phone:886-6-2914900 Address:新孝路142號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 海拔900米咖啡 Phone:886-6-2914900 Address:新孝路142號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 蝦米工坊 Phone:886-9-88380910 Address:新忠路1-1號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 黑橋牌香腸博物館觀光工廠 Phone:886-6-2616990 Address:新忠路2號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 黑橋牌香腸博物館觀光工廠 Phone:886-6-2616990 Address:新忠路2號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
    • 黑橋牌企業股份有限公司 Phone:886-6-6353226 Address:中華西路一段103號, South Dist., Tainan City 702
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