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12 Dian Shengrong Park

Phone:886-6-2873320 Address:702 inside the Ln. 54, Sec. 4, Gongxue Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 702
Over a century ago, 12 Dian was positioned at the downstream of the Cengwen River and often flooded. According to legend, the Martial God made a divine manifestation to plant a banyan tree in order to suppress the flood, hence the villagers all regarded the banyan tree with respect. The fibrous roots of the sacred banyan tree are interlinked to form a little forest and the largest the banyan tree in Taiwan. Even more so, it is also one of the three most prominent trees in Taiwan. The 12 Dian Sacred Banyan Park was established and became an ideal recreational venue for local residents; there are also visitors who come here specifically to admire the majesty of the sacred banyan tree.
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