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Splendid Coastline

Phone:886-3-5216121 Address:300 Meishan Embankment, West Coast
As the Siangshan Wetlands become more and more widely known, the Splendid Coastline, the area around Meishan Embankment, has been elevated to become a new seashore playground of Hsinchu. This scenic area features a 200-meter-long overlook and beautiful landscaping, which sets it apart from the sandy beaches that predominate on the West Coast of Taiwan. The beach and swampy areas in the tidal zones by the embankment are teeming with many tidal zone creatures such as soldier crabs, ghost crabs, fiddler crabs, horned pebble crabs, oysters, sipunculid worms, wharf roaches, and so forth. During summer, visitors can climb over the embankment to look at these little creatures up close. Another excellent feature of the Splendid Coastline is its public restroom, which has been built in a deserted military blockhouse.
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