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Hsiangshan Coast

Phone:886-3-5216121 Address:300 Xiangshan Dist., Hsinchu City
Going south along Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 1, you will see a stream not long after passing a police station and after making a right turn. Going straight along the lane you reach the Hsiangshan Coast. The most special characteristic of this Coast is its vast open inlet. After the tide ebbs, its traceless beach is a haven for many small creatures such as different kinds of crabs, clams, fishes, shrimps and wild oysters. On holidays, there are always a lot of people who come here to dig treasures after the tide ebbs.   If you just want to stand by the sea, feeling the breeze and watching the ocean, you can go along the newly completed Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 61 (i.e. West Coast Expressway). In this way, you may also discover the only mangrove left in Hsinchu. Or you can sit on the dike and simply enjoy the sunset.
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