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Ta-Shan-Yuan Farmland

Phone:886-7-6165553 Address:No. 88, Zhongxing N. Rd., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City 824
The farmland produces the iconic fruit of Yen-Chao – milky guava (all year), sweet jujube (November-March), and mango (May-June). They are all available onsite or purchasable on the internet and can be delivered to your doorstep. The farmland also irregularly offers seasonal vegetables or fruits that can be picked by visitors who are looking for the exact farming joy. After a break, there is ice dessert of mango to bring all visitors back to old day memories. Under the sunset, visitors can borrow bicycles from the farmland to have a scenic tour on the first bicycle lane of A-Kung-Tien reservoir. This is a perfect place for families, student groups, or companies to hold a daily trip.
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