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County Monument Pei Tian Temple

Phone:886-5-3792954 Address:
Construction Age: 26 years of Emperor Kangxi (1687) built in 1915 built Commanding the gods: Matsu Tel: (05) 3792954 (05) 3792350 According to legend, with the temple was founded in Kangxi 26 years. It is said that the Dongshi half months Zhuangren Shi, Lim Mah, believe in Mazu, an annual trips to the field Matsu temples paying homage to the very difficult journey, so he was determined to self-Meizhou greet the return of the Matsu statue, you can worship at home. Welcome back the return of the statue, Lim Mah after Chapeng under Putsu River south bank of Hackberry, rest and rest, and nearby residents about the incident, request for a few days, so that people can visit the Yasukuni Matsu, but a few days later, when Lim Mah wish to depart back to home, statues but become heavy can not be mobile, thrown the divination blocks for divination. under the, the gods said that to guarding the forever in the the this, So the the public immediately to build the small temple sacrificial just have trees Piao, Aberdeen, tree in the side of the temple, Therefore, as the Temple name, called the hackberry Palace. After the settlement of the Palace as the center outward development, and therefore Puzih formerly Park earners feet, is named after this. Later changed its name to Hackberry Palace with the temple, because age of different opinions, according to a more credible to say is: Tongzhi (1865) the completion of the rehabilitation project, the director of the temple the temple name intended to take with to enjoy future fragrance, the power parameter The heaven and earth good fortune and changed its name to. With the temple incense, over the years built continuously, the first between the Kangxi 54 years of the expansion of the Middle Temple and Baidian, Qianlong, Jiaqing and even Tongzhi years, about every half century built.
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  • Accommodations (in 2 KM, Total 3 items)
    • Wan Long Hotel Phone:886-5-3795161 Address:No.800, Sec. 3, Nantong Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • SANKAIKAN HOTEL Phone:886-5-3709399 Address:No.1020, Dakanglang, Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Shanhai two Hall Hotel Phone:886-5-3709399 Address:No.36, Ln. 1002, Dakanglang, Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Restaurants (in 2 KM, Total 50 items)
    • Angelicaducks Phone:886-5-1223456789 Address:2ndBazar,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty,Taiwan(R.O.C
    • Angelicaducks Phone:886-5-1223456789 Address:2ndBazar,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty,Taiwan(R.O.C
    • Mochi Shop Phone:886-5-3793851 Address:No.92, 1st Market, Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • PoZihSiaoJhenSeafoodRestaurant Phone:886-5-3660828 Address:No.146,DatongRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty6134
    • Po Zih Siao Jhen Seafood Restaurant Phone:886-5-3660828 Address:No. 146, Datong Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61349, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Sunny Reservation restaurant Phone:886-5-3661600 Address:No. 49-24, Shuangxikou, Yonghe Vil., Puzi City, Chiayi County, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • SingWangCakeShopSuperpopularGarlicbreadPopularin60years Phone:886-5-3802226 Address:No.110-3,Suantou,LiujiaoTownship,ChiayiCount
    • SingWangCakeShopSuperpopularGarlicbreadPopularin60years Phone:886-5-3802226 Address:No.110-3,Suantou,LiujiaoTownship,ChiayiCount
    • SingWangCakeShopSuperpopularGarlicbreadPopularin60years Phone:886-5-3802226 Address:No.110-3,Suantou,LiujiaoTownship,ChiayiCount
    • Sing Wang Cake Shop Super popular Garlic bread Popular in 60 years Phone:886-5-3802226 Address:No. 110-3, Suantou, Liujiao Township, Chiayi Count
    • SingWangCakeShopSuperpopularGarlicbreadPopularin60years Phone:886-5-3802226 Address:No.110-3,Suantou,LiujiaoTownship,ChiayiCount
    • Authentic Cuttlefish soup Phone:886-5-3707189 Address:No.168, Xinrong Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 613,
    • Qian Yuan Shabushabu Phone:886-5-3707691 Address:No.7, Wenhua S. Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Sunny Reservation restaurant Phone:886-5-3661600 Address:No. 49-24, Shuangxikou, Yonghe Vil., Puzi City, Ch
    • FuzhouNoodleshop Phone:886-5-3700332 Address:No.32,HaitongRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty6134
    • Fuzhou Noodle shop Phone:886-5-3700332 Address:No. 32, Haitong Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 6134
    • Fuzhou Noodle shop Phone:886-5-3700332 Address:No. 32, Haitong Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 6134
    • FuzhouNoodleshop Phone:886-5-3700332 Address:No.32,HaitongRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty6134
    • Fuzhou Noodle shop Phone:886-5-3700332 Address:No. 32, Haitong Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61341, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Angelica ducks Phone:886-9-21518997 Address:2nd Bazar, Puzi City, Chiayi County, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Twin Snack Phone:886-5-3790497 Address:No. 16, Pinghe Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61341, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Hu Er Glutinous oil rice Phone:886-5-3798148 Address:No. 16, Pinghe Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61341, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • HuErGlutinousoilrice Phone:886-5-3798148 Address:No.16,PingheRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty61341
    • TwinSnack Phone:886-5-3790497 Address:No.16,PingheRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty61341
    • HuErGlutinousoilrice Phone:886-5-3798148 Address:No.16,PingheRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty61341
    • Hu Er Glutinous oil rice Phone:886-5-3798148 Address:No. 16, Pinghe Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61341
    • Twin Snack Phone:886-5-3790497 Address:No. 16, Pinghe Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61341
    • Sunny Reservation restaurant Phone:886-5-3661600 Address:No. 49-24, Shuangxikou, Yonghe Vil., Puzi City, Ch
    • SunnyReservationrestaurant Phone:886-5-3661600 Address:No.49-24,Shuangxikou,YongheVil.,PuziCity,Ch
    • Sesonal Local mixed side dishes Phone:886-5-123456789 Address:Shuangxikou, Puzi City, Chiayi County, Taiwan (R.O
    • SesonalLocalmixedsidedishes Phone:886-5-123456789 Address:No.32,ShixiRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty613,Taiwan(R.O.C.)
    • Mother Lee Steamed Buns Phone:886-5-3700708 Address:No. 61, Shixi Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61345,
    • MotherLeeSteamedBuns Phone:886-5-3700708 Address:No.61,ShixiRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty61345,
    • MotherLeeSteamedBuns Phone:886-5-3700708 Address:No.61,ShixiRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty61345,
    • MochiShop Phone:886-5-3793851 Address:No.92,1stMarket,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty613,T
    • MochiShop Phone:886-5-3793851 Address:No.92,1stMarket,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty613,T
    • Mochi Shop Phone:886-5-3793851 Address:No.92, 1st Market, Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, T
    • Cih Bo Meatballs Phone:886-5-3790458 Address:No. 162, Kaiyuan Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 613
    • CihBoMeatballs Phone:886-5-3790458 Address:No.162,KaiyuanRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty613
    • CihBoMeatballs Phone:886-5-3790458 Address:No.162,KaiyuanRd.,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty613
    • YongfengSpringrolls Phone:886-5-3794025 Address:1stMarket,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty613,Taiwan(
    • YongfengSpringrolls Phone:886-5-3794025 Address:1stMarket,PuziCity,ChiayiCounty613,Taiwan(
    • Yongfeng Spring rolls Phone:886-5-3794025 Address:1st Market, Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan (
    • Cih Bo Meatballs Phone:886-5-3790458 Address:No. 162, Kaiyuan Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61345, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • Pastenoodles Phone:886-5-123456789 Address:No.11-3,BeitongRd.,9thNeighborhood,AnfuVil.
    • Pastenoodles Phone:886-5-123456789 Address:No.11-3,BeitongRd.,9thNeighborhood,AnfuVil.
    • The Public Restaurant Phone:886-5-3793889 Address:No. 41, Beitong Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 61345, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    • The Public Restaurant Phone:886-5-3793889 Address:No. 41, Beitong Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 6134
    • The Public Restaurant Phone:886-5-3793889 Address:No. 41, Beitong Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 6134
    • Scandinavia Restaurant Phone:886-5-3708320 Address:No.116-1, Tianxingxincun, Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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