徐明義教授為國際研究多囊性卵巢病症及卵巢功能的權威,為找出不孕症的治本方法,徐院長從精子鑽研到卵子,最終發現荷爾蒙的激素分泌變化是最直接影響女性生殖系統健康與否的重要關鍵。以賀爾蒙為研究核心,徐教授早年曾赴全球試管嬰兒研究最高殿堂「The Jones Institute」擔任研究醫師,師承襲美國試管嬰兒之父 - Howard W.Jones 五年真傳,針對女性不孕症、試管嬰兒、精卵受精流程、男性精子受精功能障礙,進行了長足的研究,並從事精子受精功能障礙檢查試劑的研發,取得國際專利,學有所成才回來台灣服務大家。致力為不同生命週期階段女性的生殖醫療服務規劃,不論從出生到青春期調理,或由生育期至更年期保養,華育皆能提供相對應的治療,而徐教授更強調,講求完善的全齡生殖醫療照護,目的即為預防、避免憾事發生。
院內生殖醫療系統全面導入AI、大數據技術及流程管理,並引進全亞洲首台歐盟認證RI WitnessTM 生殖監測系統,來加強嚴謹控管取精、取卵、保存、植入等流程。華育生殖醫學中心期盼透過系統化、透明化的醫療數據紀錄,提供女性更安心且便利的醫療服務。
HuaYu Fertility Center is led by the authority of fertility field, Dr. Hsu Ming-Yi and Dr. Wang Cheng-Wei. We provide professional services including intrauterine insemination, IVF, egg and sperm cryopreservation, egg and sperm donation, AMH blood tests and other fertility examinations. We have high-end culture equipment, high implantation rates, exclusive AMH database and error-free lab powered by a consistent power system.
Dr.Hsu is an expert of polycystic ovarian disorders and ovarian functions. Dr. Hsu dedicates himself to doing research in sperm and oocytes in order to find permanent cures in infertility. And Dr. Hsu found out that the key of health in the female fertility system is highly associated with changes in hormone levels.
Dr. Hsu has held a post in The Jones Institute, which holds the highest authority in fertility research, as a research doctor majoring in hormones. Dr. Hsu apprenticed with Howard W. Jones, and has done research in male and female infertility, IVF, fertilization mechanisms. He also has an international patent of sperm infertility examination medium. Dr. Hsu brings all these experiences back to Taiwan and provides medical services for people in need in Taiwan.
Dr. Hsu devotes to providing fertility plans for females of different ages. HuaYu Fertility Center is able to offer appropriate medical services for patients in different stages of life.
HuaYu fertility Center provides medical services with AI, big data and is the first center in Asia to have CE RI WitnessTM progress monitoring system. With this system, we are capable of avoiding all possible mismatches in every step of IVF progress. We aim to provide reassuring and convenient services with systemized and transparent medical data.
Fertility in females diminishes much faster than in male. The concept of “prevention is better than cure” is one of the best policies in infertility. Monitoring your ovarian reserve at a young age helps a lot in planning future life schedules such as marriage and pregnancy.
HuaYu is pronounced similar to pregnant in Chinese (huaiyun), so we named our center HuaYu to represent our blessings. We also would like to share all these experiences and wish all our patients can “HuaYu”.
Our ambitions are not only to become an outstanding fertility center but also to bring happiness to every family.
HuaYu’s blessings are always next to you!