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Pasture Yen Family

Phone:886-4-7373606 Address:500 No.65, Dazhang Rd, Changhua City
Established in 1975, the farm occupies an area of 12 hectares, overlooking Changhua’s coastline from the ridgeline of Baguashan. Accessible via No. 139 County Highway, the farm used to raise pigs but stopped the business in 1990. Still owing large grasslands surrounded by thirty years camphor trees and old brick pigsties that recall previous pig husbandry operations, the farm has been transformed into a diversified business that sells coffee, run camping services and rents out venues for various kinds of activities. It also provides paths for visitors to wander through a grove of Taiwan Incense Machilus trees to have a taste of the beauty of lower-altitude native trees in Taiwan.
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