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Shin Ho Chun Handmade Fermented Soy Sauce Factory

Phone:886-4-8732018 Address:511 No. 592, Section 1, Shedou Road, Shetou Township
Shin Ho Chun Handmade Fermented Soy Sauce Factory was established during the Taisho period by Mr. Zhang Tu-Chiang. With a century of legacy, the factory ferments soy sauce and pickles with the traditional method. Insisting on processing food with conscience and the old methods, it has been operated with these ideals as corporate goals. Now, it is the only soy sauce factory in Taiwan that still uses the dry fermenting method in processing soy sauce. The soy sauce is fermented with the best black beans, undergoing strict and complicated processes. Its insistence serves to satisfy customers’ taste buds, safeguard their health and uphold their nutritious conditions. It also produces food with the best quality to ensure food safety for customers’ peace of mind. It is Shin Ho Chun’s principle of management. You are welcome to visit this historic and legendary soy sauce factory with more than 100 years of legacy.
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