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LOHO Socks Hometown Museum

Phone:886-4-8720522 Address:No.559, Sheshi Road, Shetou Township, Changhua County
The museum sells a diversification of socks, along with detailed illustrative descriptions introducing the history of socks and the company, as well as abundant knowledge on socks. A video section is also arranged for dynamic descriptions, allowing easier comprehension for the visitors.It displays all types of raw sock materials and live experiments on the conductivity of bamboo charcoal. One must not miss out on the DIY experience of semi-finished sock products, to become involved in the production procedure of socks. There is also a display of a full collection of machines, including sock-making machines from the very first generation to the latest sock-making machine imported from Italy, as well as the labeling machine which has been honored with the bronze medal for the French Invention Award.A sock-stuffed toy DIY event is organized, where you may select the style of your preference to proceed with the DIY event, introducing a different kind of fun to the visitors! LOHO demonstrates the MIT socks woven one stitch at a time, allowing you to feel the local spirit and experience the marvelous comfort.
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