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Grandeur of Jinmian Mountain

Phone:886-3-9772370 Address:Toucheng Township, Yilan County, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
The Beiyi Highway was opened in 1900 (the 33rd year under Japanese Emperor Meiji's reign). At the 67th kilometer after passing Hudi Mountain (Hudi Ling) a road-building monument of "plain with clouds clear" by then Yilan Magistrate Kikujiro Saigo was erected to commemorate the hardships during the road building and later the place was called "stone monument." Winding along the Great Jingmian Mountain and Little Jingmian Mountain, the highway has totally 9 turns and 18 twists before the stone monument at the peak. On sunny days, the ocean, Turtle Island and the Lanyang Plain offer overwhelming views. On foggy days, the surrounding fog create a Lanyang-specific obscure and misty atmosphere. Due to its compelling grandeur, the scene was chosen as one of the "eight scenes of Yilan" in 1954. It has been chanted and praised since ancient times, such as Yang Ting-li's "Vast green Jinmian with clouds breathing," "Natural wonderland in Jinmian;" Li Kang-nin's "Jinmian Mountain praised by stone monument, overlooking the Lanyang Plain;" Lu Shi-biao's "Magnificent and verdant Jinmian, overlooking vast oceans with vision emptied." Eulogies for Jinmian scenery are prevalent.
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