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Medical Tourism

Taiwan, an island about the size of the Netherlands, is known as Formosa in history. Many people know Taiwan because of its beautiful scenery, fascinating culture, enticing cuisine and strong high-tech industry. But do you know that Taiwan is also an island famous for health and medical care?

Denmark’s popular travel website has ranked Taiwan 8th in its list of top travel destinations for 2019. The highlights of its evaluation include "natural hot springs", "great hiking places surrounded by landscape dominated by mountains and forests", "snacks and foods that leave gourmets spoiled for choices", and so on. All the elements suit friends coming from another country to Taiwan for medical tourism. They can explore this beautiful island during the interval of medical treatment.

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Patient Stories

  • conquer Neurological Sequelae
    【Tungs' Hospital】47-Year-Old Man with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Neurological Sequelae "Unable to Recognize Mother" Regains New Life after 56 Sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    【Tungs' Hospital】47-Year-Old Man with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Neurological Sequelae "Unable to Recognize Mother" Regains New Life after 56 Sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    A 47-year-old man surnamed Yeh from Taichung City, last year suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning due to accidentally burning charcoal in a confined space late at night during a cold spell. He was rushed by his family to the emergency room of Tung's Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital for urgent treatment and was hospitalized for 5 days before being discharged upon recovery. However, a month after his discharge, he began experiencing symptoms such as altered consciousness, speech impairment, unsteady gait, slow movements, and cognitive impairment. He even experienced incontinence, both urinary and fecal, prompting his family to seek medical attention. He was diagnosed with delayed-onset neurological sequelae due to carbon monoxide poisoning. After undergoing 56 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, he gradually recovered. It is understood that Mr. Yeh, unmarried and residing in QingShui District, lives with his mother and works in agriculture. Last year, he used a charcoal stove for heating at home and forgot to extinguish it before going to bed, leading to carbon monoxide poisoning and emergency hospitalization. Unexpectedly, a month after discharge, he developed delayed-onset neurological sequelae, characterized by cognitive decline, unsteady gait, slow movements, communication difficulties, social withdrawal, and even incontinence.He couldn't recognize his own mother, and he could not even dress himself. Doctor explained that delayed-onset neurological sequelae is a rare consequence of carbon monoxide poisoning, typically occurring within 2 to 40 days after recovery, with a peak incidence around the second week. Symptoms include a range of psychiatric and neurological manifestations such as depression, language disorders, cognitive decline, emotional abnormalities, motor disturbances resembling Parkinson's disease, and others. The exact cause of onset remains unclear, but it is generally believed to involve widespread inflammation after carbon monoxide poisoning, leading to damage to the brain's white matter myelin. Director Wu Ji-Ying of the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center at Tung's Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital explained that hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves placing the patient in a pressurized chamber and administering high-concentration, short-duration, intermittent oxygen inhalation to increase oxygen levels in the blood and affected tissues for therapeutic purposes. Research has shown that hyperbaric oxygen therapy not only improves tissue oxygenation but also promotes nerve repair, reduces inflammation, and activates stem cells. Thanks to early detection and consistent treatment, Mr. Yeh received hyperbaric oxygen therapy daily, five times a week, for approximately 90 minutes per session over 8 weeks, totaling 40 sessions. Later, based on family requests, he underwent an additional 16 sessions, gradually restoring his cognitive and behavioral abilities. Mr. Yeh expressed gratitude to healthcare professionals, noting that he was initially unable to even dress himself, but now his life is gradually returning to normal. He can drive again and is very thankful for the assistance provided by the medical staff. Vice President Wu Zhao-Xin of Tung's Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital pointed out that the hospital has a 6-person hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber on the 8th floor and three single-person chambers on the basement level, providing patients with a diverse and comfortable treatment environment. Chief of the Emergency Department, Wei Zhi-Wei, emphasized that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is commonly used in emergencies for carbon monoxide poisoning patients. Apart from treating conditions like air embolism and decompression sickness after diving, it has broad applications including diabetic foot ulcers, elderly cognitive decline, dental treatments, and even adapting to conditions such as COVID-19 recovery, cervical spine injuries, hypoxic brain injury, acute stroke, traumatic brain injury, and post-cosmetic surgery. ►mark class="has-inline-color has-ast-global-color-0-color" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">IMS Website/mark> ►mark class="has-inline-color has-ast-global-color-0-color" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">Facebook/mark> ►mark class="has-inline-color has-ast-global-color-0-color" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">Instagram/mark> ►mark class="has-inline-color has-ast-global-color-0-color" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">WhatsApp/mark>

  • 【Taipei Fertility Center 】 A Remarkable Journey of Pregnancy at Advanced Maternal Age
    【Taipei Fertility Center 】 A Remarkable Journey of Pregnancy at Advanced Maternal Age

    【Taipei Fertility Center 】 A Remarkable Journey of Pregnancy at Advanced Maternal Age

    At 41 years old, after 12 years of attempting to conceive with an AMH of 0.65 ng/mL, her path was undeniably arduous. This challenging case demanded racing against time and strategically focusing treatment where it truly mattered. Drawing on years of accumulated clinical experience, Dr. Lin planned 2 consecutive cycles of egg retrieval, cultivating embryos initially without performing PGS. The first transfer involved 2 embryos, but unfortunately it failed. Undeterred, the second attempt with 4 embryos resulted in the implantation of 2, with ultimately only 1 successfully developing. Dr. Lin closely monitored this couple's situation, and his dedication paid off when they received the reassuring news of a normal amniocentesis at 28 weeks into a safe pregnancy! Reflecting on their journey, Dr. Lin emotionally expressed, "Caring for them has been incredibly moving, and I feel a profound sense of accomplishment. I'm thankful to my patients for trusting my medical assessments and clinical decisions, and I'm grateful to God for making all of this possible." TFC wishes everyone the best of luck! 📍Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivf 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download: Android Download:

  • Persistent Twitches! Mr. Chen’s Journey to Unraveling Spasms in Taiwan
    【Tungs' Hospital】Persistent Twitches! Mr. Chen’s Journey to Unraveling Spasms in Taiwan

    【Tungs' Hospital】Persistent Twitches! Mr. Chen’s Journey to Unraveling Spasms in Taiwan

    Mr. Chen, a gentle and reserved man from Malaysia, was known for his friendly and kind demeanor. However, his life took a turn after a brain tumor surgery over a decade ago. Despite the successful removal of the tumor, he began experiencingmark class="has-inline-color has-ast-global-color-0-color" style="box-sizing: inherit; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">unusual twitching movements/mark>in recent years.These spasms not only caused him to frequently lose balance but also deeply affected his psychological well-being. Mr. Chen, who never expected to face ongoing medical challenges, believed he had overcome all difficulties after his previous surgery. However, reality proved otherwise. Despite seeking medical treatment and undergoing multiple tests in Malaysia, Mr. Chen was told there were no abnormalities. Yet, the involuntary twitching movements persisted, limiting his mobility and undermining his confidence and mental health. Upon a friend’s recommendation, Mr. Chen decided to seek professional guidance and treatment atTungs’ Hospital in Taiwan. There, the medical team conducted a comprehensive evaluation and examination, revealing that his symptoms were caused bymark class="has-inline-color has-ast-global-color-0-color" style="box-sizing: inherit; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">neural discharges resulting from epilepsy/mark>. The healthcare professionals at Tungs’ Hospital meticulously analyzed and diagnosed Mr. Chen’s condition, devising a personalized treatment plan for him. In light of Mr. Chen’s symptoms, the physicians recommended undergoing a procedure to implant amark class="has-inline-color has-ast-global-color-1-color" style="box-sizing: inherit; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">responsive neurostimulator/mark>. This surgery, a common neurosurgical procedure used to treat neurological disorders like epilepsy, involves implanting an electronic device into the brain or other relevant areas to regulate and control abnormal neural activity. The procedure, performed by a specialized neurosurgical team, ensures the surgery’s safety and effectiveness. Although the surgery carries certain risks and potential complications, for many patients like Mr. Chen, it represents an effective treatment method for improving their quality of life and managing their symptoms. Mr. Chen’s visit to Tungs’ Hospital left a lasting impression on him. He will always be grateful for the hope and answers provided by the hospital. Despite the challenges of his treatment journey, Mr. Chen knows that with the support of a professional medical team, he can overcome any obstacle. If you have further questions, you can visit our website or inquire on various social media platforms: ►mark class="has-inline-color has-ast-global-color-0-color" style="box-sizing: inherit; background-image: initial; background-position: 0px 0px; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">IMS Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► WhatsApp/mark>

  • Thyroid Nodule
    【Tungs' Hospital】Peculiar Sensation of Obstruction in British Engineer's Throat, Leading to Difficulty in Breathing!!

    【Tungs' Hospital】Peculiar Sensation of Obstruction in British Engineer's Throat, Leading to Difficulty in Breathing!!

    Mr. Dave is an engineer working at wind farms along the coast of Taiwan. He visited Tungs' Hospital due to a peculiar sensation of obstruction in his throat, leading to difficulty breathing. Seeking answers, he went to the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, where Dr. Yi-Ting Kuo performed an ultrasound examination. The diagnosis revealed that he had a thyroid nodule, prompting the extraction of a sample for further analysis. Fortunately, the results showed that the thyroid nodule was benign. Dr. Kuo promptly referred Dave to the Thyroid Ablation ANTD Image-guided Therapy Department for Alcohol Ablation Treatment. Despite initial nervousness, Dave bravely underwent the treatment, and he said it wasn’t as painful as he thought it would be. After a successful treatment, Dave regained smooth breathing, marking a satisfying conclusion to his medical journey. -- Thyroid Nodules: According to statistics, approximately 20% of people over 40 have thyroid nodules. These nodules, which are palpable lumps beneath the skin, may present as fluid-filled cysts or solid tumors, often without noticeable symptoms. Generally, thyroid nodules do not significantly impact health unless they grow large enough to compress the trachea, esophagus, or recurrent laryngeal nerve, potentially causing swallowing difficulties or hoarseness. Nodules can be classified as benign or malignant, and while the risk of benign nodules transforming into cancerous cells increases with their growth, the likelihood of thyroid nodules developing into thyroid cancer is very low, with fewer than 1 person out of 100 affected. What to do if you have thyroid nodules? Thyroid nodules are typically discovered through routine health examinations or by noticing swelling in the neck. There is no need to panic if abnormalities are detected during examination, as most nodules are benign. Further evaluation through ultrasound can help determine whether the nodules may pose any health risks or become malignant. If the nodules are small (less than 4 centimeters), the risk of thyroid cancer is low, and regular monitoring per the physician's instructions is usually sufficient. If nodules grow large enough to compress the esophagus or trachea, medical attention is warranted, and surgical removal may be recommended following evaluation by a physician. Suspicion of malignant tumors can be confirmed through cell examination via fine-needle aspiration if irregularities, calcifications, or dark appearances are detected during ultrasound. In such cases, surgical intervention may be necessary, followed by radioactive iodine therapy to eradicate cancerous cells in the thyroid gland. Regular follow-up monitoring is typically advised for post-operative care. -- If you have any questions or are interested in medical information, please follow our Facebook page or visit our official website to learn more about healthcare knowledge and become a guardian of health with Tungs' Hospital. ★Facebook: ★Website:

  • Painful Kidney Stone
    【Tungs' Hospital】Unbearable Pain! Filipino Struggled with Kidney Stones

    【Tungs' Hospital】Unbearable Pain! Filipino Struggled with Kidney Stones

    A Filipino seafarer, during a long voyage at sea, suddenly experienced severe abdominal pain and noticed signs of hematuria in his recent urine. Despite trying to endure it, the pain was too unbearable to ignore, so he decided to seek medical attention immediately upon the advice of the ship's doctor, arranging to go to Tungs' Hospital. After examination, the doctor diagnosed the patient with kidney stones, leading to symptoms such as urinary obstruction and hematuria. Kidney stones are one of the common problems encountered in maritime work. Due to limited food supply and difficulty preserving vegetables onboard, seafarers tend to consume foods high in calcium oxalate and phosphates, such as spinach and beans. Additionally, due to the dietary environment and work pressure onboard, indigestion is also common, leading to the deposition of crystalline substances in the kidneys, forming stones. Through ultrasound examination, it was found that the size of the kidney stones in this patient was approximately 7 millimeters and presented in a round shape. Following the doctor's recommendation, the seafarer underwent flexible ureteroscopy, successfully removing the stones with minimal harm to the body and restoring normal urine flow. Small Facts about flexible ureteroscopy: Flexible ureteroscopy is one of the methods used to treat kidney stones. It is a flexible medical equipment that can be inserted through the urethra into the bladder and urethra for the observation and treatment of kidney stones. Compared to traditional rigid ureteroscopy, this type of ureteroscope is softer, making it easier to navigate through the bends of the urethra and reducing discomfort for the patient. The doctor also reminded him that adopting good dietary habits is an important part of preventing kidney stones, advising him to increase his intake of fruits and vegetables onboard, avoid excessive consumption of foods high in calcium oxalate and phosphates, and pay attention to avoiding diets that are detrimental to kidney health, such as those high in oil and salt. This story serves as a reminder to the public that whether it's seafarers on long voyages or individuals who enjoy drinking beverages and eating meals with sauces, they are all at risk for kidney disease. Maintaining good dietary habits and seeking timely medical assistance can effectively prevent and treat such diseases. -- If you have further questions, you can visit our website or inquire on various social media platforms: ► IMS Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► WhatsApp

  • Tungs' Formosa SOS transfering the patient
    【Tungs' Hospital】Journey Home: A Malaysian Patient's Liver Cancer Treatment at Tungs' Hospital

    【Tungs' Hospital】Journey Home: A Malaysian Patient's Liver Cancer Treatment at Tungs' Hospital

    (Tungs' Formosa SOS carefully transfering the patient) A patient from Malaysia sought treatment at Tungs' Hospital due to liver cancer. Admitted in July 2023, the patient underwent six months of hospitalization. Under the attentive care of Tungs' Hospital, the patient's condition stabilized. With comprehensive planning and arrangements by Tungs' Hospital Formosa SOS team, the patient safely returned to their homeland Malaysia.

  • Taipei Fertility Center
    【Taipei Fertility Center】Patient Story-You're precious and treasured!

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Patient Story-You're precious and treasured!

    “We are deeply grateful to Dr. Ho for his invaluable assistance in identifying where our problems stem from and providing effective solutions, which ultimately led to the successful arrival of our precious baby. Dr. Ho has not only been our medical caregiver but also a great source of mental support and encouragement. He is simultaneously the problem solver and the tower of strength to us. Sometimes, I inevitably got a mental breakdown, but Dr. Ho always maintained a gentle yet firm attitude, urging us to keep moving forward during our IVF treatment. I couldn’t ask for a better doctor than him!” Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download:>/o:p> Android Download:

  • Formosa SOS Caring Patient on Plane
    【Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital】Emergency Surgery for Indonesian Patient with Stroke

    【Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital】Emergency Surgery for Indonesian Patient with Stroke

    The Indonesian patient, who had been working hard in Taiwan for over a decade, was found unresponsive one day. Urgently taken to the hospital for examination, the results revealed a cerebral infarction. Following an emergency craniotomy, the patient successfully recovered and was weaned off the ventilator. After two and a half months of inpatient treatment, the condition gradually stabilized, allowing the individual to return home! During the nearly five and a half hours of the flight, with the attentive care of the Formosa SOS team from Tungs' Hospital, the patient safely arrived in Jakarta and continued recovery at home. Each successful transfer requires the collaborative efforts of various departments, and thus, sincere thanks are extended to the Indonesian Representative Office in Taiwan and EVA Air for their assistance in ensuring the smooth completion of the entire transfer process. Once again, heartfelt gratitude is expressed. Understanding Cerebral Infarction: Cerebral infarction may manifest warning signs in advance, such as sudden headaches, visual abnormalities, difficulty speaking, etc. If you or someone around you experiences these symptoms, seeking medical attention immediately is crucial. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, including a low-fat diet, regular exercise, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption, is advocated. Regular check-ups, especially for those at risk of chronic diseases, are key to preventing cerebral infarction. Cerebral infarction is a severe cerebrovascular disease, but through these simple lifestyle habits and timely medical care, we can better prevent and address the risks.

  • Torticollis Child
    【Tungs' Hospital】Bravely Overcoming Challenges: The Recovery Journey of a Young Boy with Congenital Torticollis

    【Tungs' Hospital】Bravely Overcoming Challenges: The Recovery Journey of a Young Boy with Congenital Torticollis

    Tungs' Hospital in Wuci District, Taichung, has always been dedicated to the well-being of children. Here, we have a story that fills us with pride, narrating the inspiring journey of a young boy who bravely conquered congenital torticollis and achieved a remarkable recovery. Throughout this process, Tungs' Hospital showcased exceptional medical expertise and the invaluable assistance of rehabilitation specialists. In a remote village inKazakhstan, there lived a charming 5-year-old boy named Enkhjargal. Enkhjargal's family was always filled with love and unwavering determination. However, with the help of local healthcare facilities, they eventually noticed that his head frequently tilted to one side. Local physicians quickly diagnosed him with severe congenital torticollis. Recognizing the limitations of local medical capabilities, they decided to transfer Enkhjargal to Tungs' Hospital, seeking more specialized treatment. Assistance from Tungs' Hospital'sChildren's surgeryand Rehabilitation Specialists: Upon Enkhjargal's arrival at Tungs' Hospital, a team of dedicated medical professionals immediately conducted a comprehensive evaluation, confirming his condition of congenital torticollis. The hospital's doctors devised a personalized treatment plan using state-of-the-art medical technology, ensuring he received the best care possible. Throughout the recovery process, the expertise of rehabilitation specialists was indispensable. Tungs' Hospital's physical therapists and nursing team developed a meticulously designed rehabilitation program aimed at alleviating Enkhjargal's neck muscle tension and improving his posture. Rehabilitation specialists not only provided treatment at the hospital but also taught Enkhjargal's family how to assist him with exercises at home, ensuring the continuity of his treatment. Several months later, Enkhjargal's recovery progress was astonishing. His head no longer tilted, allowing for free movement, and his posture had significantly improved. His family was deeply grateful for the medical expertise of Tungs' Hospital and the professionalism of the rehabilitation specialists. They were pleasantly surprised by their son's remarkable recovery. Today, Enkhjargal has returned to a normal childhood life, participating in various activities without the burden of torticollis. We remind all parents to regularly observe their children for symptoms of neck tilting. If you have concerns, please do not hesitate to give professional physicians an opportunity to help your child grow up healthy. Additionally, it's essential to note that torticollis may not only affect children but also adults, so it's crucial to seek medical attention early to ensure your well-being.

  • Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital
    【Tungs' Hospital】A Heartwarming Journey to Parenthood: Overcoming Challenges with Hope

    【Tungs' Hospital】A Heartwarming Journey to Parenthood: Overcoming Challenges with Hope

    In Hong Kong, Mr. Po's dream of parenthood faced an unexpected obstacle: fertility issues due to varicocele. Desperate for answers, he embarked on a whirlwind journey that saw him shuttling between Hong Kong and Thailand. A Transformative Message, A Life Reimagined: Mr. Po's Path with Dr. Lu Finally, Mr. Po discovered Dr. Lu Jin-Heng , a microsurgical varicocele repair expert in Taiwan. With a single message to the hospital's Facebook page, Mr. Po and his wife embarked on a transformative journey to Taiwan. Igniting Hope: Dr. Lu's Precision That Sparked Remarkable Recovery His diagnosis revealed the full extent of Mr. Po's condition. Recommending cutting-edge microsurgery, Dr. Lu promised faster recovery. The surgery succeeded, and within just 3 days, Mr. Po was already on the road to healing. A Journey of Renewed Hope: Mr. Po's Courageous Path to Parenthood Mr. Po's sperm quality significantly improved, reigniting his hopes for parenthood. Mr. Po's journey wasn't just a physical one; it was a story of determination, hope, and unwavering commitment. Thanks to Dr. Lu, Mr. Po and his wife now look forward to a future filled with the promise of a brighter, family-filled life.

  • Susan's Journey to Recovery: Overcoming Rotator Cuff Tear
    📖Susan's Journey to Recovery: Overcoming Rotator Cuff Tear

    📖Susan's Journey to Recovery: Overcoming Rotator Cuff Tear

    Susan's Journey to Recovery: Overcoming Rotator Cuff Tear Susan, a Thai woman, suffered from a debilitating rotator cuff tear, which greatly impacted her shoulder's mobility and caused excruciating pain. She sought medical help at Tungs' Hospital. Driven by the hope of regaining her active lifestyle, she embarked on a journey to undergo surgery to repair her injured rotator cuff. The procedure went smoothly, and Susan felt a significant improvement in her shoulder after the surgery. ------ Rotator cuff tear is a common injury that affects the muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. It often occurs as a result of repetitive overhead motions or sudden trauma. Symptoms include shoulder pain, weakness, and limited range of motion. - By sharing Susan's story and educating on rotator cuff tears, we hope to raise awareness about this condition and encourage individuals to seek timely medical attention. Remember, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can significantly affect the recovery process. - Proper education about rotator cuff tears is crucial for prevention and recovery. Yopu can rer some key points to remember in the image🖼 If you have futher questions, you are welcomed to contact us from any social media: FB: IG: Line: Viber:\

  • Successful Case
    【Taipei Fertility Center】Celebrating the First TFC Patient's Successful Parenthood After Border Reopening!

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Celebrating the First TFC Patient's Successful Parenthood After Border Reopening!

    🦁 Auspicious Lion Brings Blessings, Life Continues to Flourish!😄 I am grateful for the divine intervention that made all of this possible! I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated team for their contributions and efforts. This fills my heart with immense joy!o:p>/o:p> In the first half of 2022, after the reopening of borders, TFC welcomed its first international patient! After enduring hardships, she successfully gave birth to this beautiful, healthy, and adorable baby girl in April 2023!o:p>/o:p> A few years ago, they sought treatments at a renowned reproductive center in Thailand but it failed. Later, through a friend's recommendation, they traveled all the way to Taiwan for the IVF treatment, but the pandemic caused an additional delay of over two years.o:p>/o:p> After long-awaited anticipation, they finally arrived in Taiwan following the border opening, and the first embryo transfer brought great news! We successfully overcame challenges related to chromosomes and sperm issues. Through two cycles of egg retrievals, we obtained embryos with normal PGS results.o:p>/o:p> I am deeply moved by her trust and patience over these past two years, coming all the way to Taiwan to seek treatment with me. Our entire team has constantly motivated and supported each other, hoping to fulfill their dream of becoming parents!o:p>/o:p> During her stay in Taiwan, she painstakingly handcrafted a needle felting featuring an auspicious lion, symbolizing blessings and life's continuous abundance. I received this gift with overwhelming emotions, feeling both touched and delighted!o:p>/o:p> I am thankful for the patient's faith in our abilities and their unwavering commitment to this journey. This experience has been a true testament to the power of hope and perseverance!o:p>/o:p> The story of this precious new life, brought into the world through our collective efforts, shall forever inspire and motivate us to continue making dreams come true. May this beautiful baby girl bring boundless joy and prosperity to her family, and may the spirit of the auspicious lion continue to bless us with life's endless possibilities. This miraculous journey has enriched all of us and reaffirmed our belief in the miracles that unfold when hearts and minds unite in purpose and determination.o:p>/o:p> Together, we shall thrive, overcome, and create a world where hope, love, and miracles never cease to exist!🌟 o:p>/o:p> Successful Case Video: Introduction of Dr. Lin, Shyr-Yeu:>/o:p> Clinic Hours:>/o:p> 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍E-mail:admservice@tfcivf.como:p>/o:p> For making the appt, please download TFC APP and register:o:p>/o:p> iOS Download:>/o:p> Android Download:>/o:p> Doctors & Appointments Updated Clinic Hours>/o:p>

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Case Sharing from China

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Case Sharing from China

    Taipei Fertility Center / Case Sharing from China I am from Chongqing , China. I have a similar experience with many women who have experienced infertility treatment. We went back and forth to the hospital for examinations and receiving treatment from traditional Chinese and Western medicine. If I hadn't met Dr. Tzeng, I think I might still undergo treatment. When I first started the artificial reproductive technology treatment, I was concern about the egg retrieval operation and the cost, so before going on an IVF treatment, I chose to do IUI, but failed. At the age of 37, on my friend's advise, I went to Thailand to receive the 3rd-generation IVF treatment. The doctor in Thailand made me went through two time of egg retrievals in one month. However, none of the embryos passed the Preimplantation Genetic Screening. I was extremely sad and wept for more than six months due to the treatment failure. Not until a friend in Taiwan introduced me of Dr. Tzeng., did I decided to give it a try. I came to Taiwan to see Dr. Tzeng when I was 39 years old. Unexpectedly, Dr. Tzeng's treatment plan was a success. After only one IVF treatment in Taiwan, I got pregnant and back to China to wait for my baby to be born. My baby just turned one month when I wrote this. I am very grateful for Dr. Tzeng, who made my dream of becoming a mother come true. I hope my experience can inspire couples who are undergo infertility treatment, and bring courage and strength to everyone. --Patient Experience Chongqing, China. / Miss Zhou Shu, 40 years old. TFC Website: 📍Tel:+886-2-2725-2333o:p>/o:p> 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍E-mail:admservice@tfcivf.como:p>/o:p> 「TFC App」 IOS:>/o:p> Android:

  • Taipei Fertility Center / Case Sharing from Singapore
    【Taipei Fertility Center】Case Sharing from Singapore

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Case Sharing from Singapore

    Taipei Fertility Center / Case Sharing from Singapore Our 1st child was born via IVF treatment in Singapore and ever since then, we tried to conceive our 2nd child but failed. When we seek for assistance, Dr. Wang's motto "Every cloud has a sliver lining." touched us and it was the main reason that we choese Dr. Wang. The overall IVF experiences in TFC was much better than the one in Singapore. Not only the relaxed ambience but the kindness of nurses made the experience pleasant. Dr. Wang is kind and humorous, he treated us more as friends than patients. He would discuss the treatment plan in details with us and encourage us along the way when we underwent treatment. After tested positive for pregnancy, the IVF treatment ended while we went on another journey. We concerned about going to other clinics for pregnancy checkups as covid-19 went viral. Dr. Wang, with his abundant experiences in Obstetrics and Gynecology, assisted us with the prenatal checkups. I would like to encourage couples who are infertile, it is important to support one another during the treatment. Follow the treatment plan and bring up all your inquiries to discuss with your doctor. Stay positive and your baby will arrive in the near future. TFC Website: 📍Tel:+886-2-2725-2333o:p>/o:p> 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍E-mail:admservice@tfcivf.como:p>/o:p> 「TFC App」 IOS:>/o:p>

Hospital Network

Abc Dental Group HQ

Abc Dental Group HQ

+886-7-216-7777 No. 129, Jhonghua 3rd Rd., Cianjin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 801, R.O.C.
Abc Dental Group HQ
An-An IVF Center

An-An Women and Children Clinic

An-An Women and Children Clinic

Anfa Clinic

+886-2-2325-0505 27F., No. 97, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Anfa Clinic
An-Ho Clinic

An-Ho Clinic

+88673949909 No. 460, Bo'ai 1st Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City 804 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
An-Ho Clinic
Responsibility hospital of first aid

Antai Medical Care Cooperation Antai Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital

+886-8-8104769 No.210, Sec. 1, Zhongzheng Rd., Donggang Township, Pingtung County , Taiwan Link
Antai Medical Care Cooperation Antai Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital


Aphrodite Ritz Clinic

Aphrodite Ritz Clinic

Aphrodite Ritz Clinic

Athena Plastic Surgery Clinic

No. 10, Boai 3rd Road, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City Link
Athena Plastic Surgery Clinic

Becoming Clinic (Becoming Reproductive Center)

+886 2 2100-6318 2F., No. 318, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Becoming Clinic (Becoming Reproductive Center)
CHICING Aesthetic Medical Surgery Center

CHICING Aesthetic Medical Surgery Center

CHICING Aesthetic Medical Surgery Center
Chimay Plastic Surgery

Chimay Plastic Surgery

Chimay Plastic Surgery
Dashin Reproductive Center

Dashin Reproductive Center

+886-4-2320-6969 No. 449, Dajin St., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Dashin Reproductive Center
Dr. Hsu Plastic Surgery Clinic

Dr. Hsu Plastic Surgery Clinic

2F., No. 412, Zhongshan 2nd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Dr. Hsu Plastic Surgery Clinic
Dr. Lee clince

Dr. Lee clince

Dr. Lee clince
Dr.Wang Reproductive Fertility Center

Dr.Wang Reproductive Fertility Center

02-27586966 #202 No.60, Sec.2, Keelung Rd, Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan Link
Dr.Wang Reproductive Fertility Center
Éonus Dento Facial Care

Éonus Dento Facial Care Clinic

+886-4-23287698 20F.-3, No.489, Sec.2, Taiwan Blvd., West Dist., Taichung City 40309, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Éonus Dento Facial Care Clinic


2F., No. 108, Sec. 2, Chang'an E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City Link
Haoyun Clinic

Haoyun Clinic

No. 331, 333, Bo’ai 2nd Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City Link
Haoyun Clinic
Hospital Appearance

Hsu,Chao-Chin Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic

+886 6 3128887 71084 No. 247 Zhonghua Road, Yongkang District, Tainan City Taiwan (R.O.C) Link
Hsu,Chao-Chin Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic
HuaYu Fertility Center

Huayu Fertility Center

+886-2-2709-9966 12F No.39 Sec.2 Dunhua S.Rd. Da'an Dist. Taipei City 106 Taiwan Link
Huayu Fertility Center
Hungchi Women & Children's Hospital

Hungchi Women & Children’s Hospital

No. 223, Yuanhua Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 320 Link
Hungchi Women & Children’s Hospital
Imperial Clinic

Imperial Clinic

+886-73456613 # 2105 No. 539, Chongli Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Imperial Clinic
iSkin Health & Beauty Medical Center

iSkin Health & Beauty Medical Center

iSkin Health & Beauty Medical Center
JB Dental Clinic

JB Dental Clinic

+886-2 23517709 NO.257 Sec. 2, Xinyi Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
JB Dental Clinic

La Visage Beauty Center

886-2-28286857 2F., No.114, 116, Mingde Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112, Taiwan Link
La Visage Beauty Center

Landseed International Hospital

+886-3-494-1234 No.77, Guangtai Rd., Pingzhen Dist., Taoyuan City 32449, Taiwan Link
Landseed International Hospital

Lianan Wellness Center

+886-2-2570-2155 ext.2 B2F., No.16, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City 105, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Lianan Wellness Center

Merrier Aesthetic Clinic

+886-2-6636-3516 6F., No.216, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei City Link
Merrier Aesthetic Clinic
National Taiwan University Hsin-Chu Hospital

National Taiwan University Hsin-Chu Hospital

03-5326151 Extention number:526780-526781 No. 25號, Lane 442, Section 1, Jingguo Rd, North District, Hsinchu City, 300 Link
National Taiwan University Hsin-Chu Hospital
New vision eye clinic

New Vision Eye Clinic

+886 2346-0266 No. 518, Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
New Vision Eye Clinic

Nobel Eyes Clinic, Taipei Branch

+886-2-2370-5666 5F., No.13, Gongyuan Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Nobel Eyes Clinic, Taipei Branch
Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery Clinic

Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery Clinic

No. 8, Longsheng Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City Link
Rejuvenate Plastic Surgery Clinic
Sense & Beauty Dental Center

Sense & Beauty Dental Center

+886-4-720-2222 No.62, Dongmin St., Changhua City, Taiwan Link
Sense & Beauty Dental Center


+886-2-27252333 14F, No. 100, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City Link
Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Taipei Veterans General Hospital

+886-2-28757808 No.201, Sec. 2, Shipai Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan Link
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Timeless Beauty Aesthetic and Medical Clinic

Timeless Beauty Aesthetic and Medical Clinic

02-85020875 1F., No. 105, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Timeless Beauty Aesthetic and Medical Clinic
Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital

Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital

+886-4-2658-3899 No.699, Sec. 8, Taiwan Blvd., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City 435, Taiwan Link
Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital
Universal Eye Center Appearance

Universal Eye Center

+886-2-2368-8055 ext. 16 No.54, Sec. 3, Xinsheng S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City Link
Universal Eye Center
Vendome Plastic Surgery Clinic

Vendome Plastic Surgery Clinic

Vendome Plastic Surgery Clinic
YangMing Acsthetic Plastic Surgery Instituts

YangMing Acsthetic Plastic Surgery Instituts

1F., No. 657, Mingcheng 3rd Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City 804, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
YangMing Acsthetic Plastic Surgery Instituts
Yuan Li Medical Aesthetics Clinic

Yuan Li Medical Aesthetics Clinic

2F.-1, No. 33, Sec. 4, Ren’ai Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Yuan Li Medical Aesthetics Clinic
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