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Wanneng Tinart, Longshan Temple

Phone:886-4-7782877 Address:505 No.81, Longshan St., Lukang Township, Changhua
Wanneng Tin art is one of the few tin art stores in Lukang. Owned by Chen Wanneng (1942- ), the Cultural Heritage winner, he is one of the few tin artists in Lukang that aspires to revive the art. The Chen’s family has been engaged in tin art for four generations, with a long legacy. Wanneng began to learn the art at 14 from his father. Later, he emerged from the traditional form to find his own style. In 1988, Mr. Chen was granted the National Cultural Heritage Award by the Ministry of Education. In 1995, he was listed in the Who’s Who in Contemporary Chinese Artists. His worked won various awards, including the prestigious Bronze Tripod Award.
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