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Hunting, DIY Archery: Yeyao Tribe, Jishu Camp

Phone:886-2-26617741 Address:233 No. 131-1, Huanshan Road, Wulai District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 233
Tourists who want a taste of what it means for Atayal men to go hunting have the chance by coming to Wulai and joining either the Yeyao Tribe or Jishu Camp. At both of these places, visitors get to experience the joy of hunting with tribe members skilled in this important Atayal tradition. Prospective hunters simply need to make an advance appointment and the tribe will arrange for a professional instructor to guide them through the hunting process and teach them how to make traps. Through instruction and hands-on practice, visitors gain a better understanding of traditional hunting practices among the Atayal and get to be a hunter for a day.A good hunter needs a good bow, so before trying your hand at hunting, first you should learn how to make your weapon. Both Yeyao Tribe and Jishu Camp offer classes to teach visitors how to make durable bows and arrows. They provide two pieces of bamboo and hemp rope, and then show the proper way to attach the rope to the bamboo to make a bow. It takes about an hour for novices to craft their own hunting tool.
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