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Tonghouyueling Trail

Phone:886-2-29603456 Address:233 Tonghou, Wulai Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan 233
In the old days, the trail was the path Atayal tribesmen took for hunting activities in the mountain. Now the 13-kilometer-long trail connecting Wulai District and Yilan County is a popular hiking route. Hikers who do not make transportation arrangements can turn around midway. Cycling on the Tonghou Forest road is also a pretty good choice for enjoying the relaxing environment. You can also try the smooth Jiajiuliao Trail, which was where old rails of rail carts were built. Visitors do not have to worry about suntan because large trees provide shade along the trail. The end of this trail is the border between Nanshi River and Jiajiuliao River where huge rocks on the river valley give you the feeling of wilderness.
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