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Wulai Cable Car & Yun-Hsien Amusement

Phone:886-2-26616383 Address:233 1-1, Pubu Road, Wulai District, New Taipei City
Wulai was a hot dating spot. In the past many young couples would take photos with the gondola when they were on a date, as it was considered a symbol of Wulai. The tourist cable car, the first of its kind in Taiwan, is the only way to get to Yun-Hsien Amusement Park from Pubu Street. You can have a bird's eye view of the Nanshi river valley and Wulai Waterfall during the ride, which is a unique experience. You can have a lot of fun and excitement from the entertainment facilities inside the Yun Hsien Amusement Park. However, modern people also need a break from their busy schedule and get into nature. The amusement park is a good choice to escape urban life as it features natural facilities, including a pond, a creek and forest spa zone. Please remember to wear a pair of comfortable shoes, so you can enjoy varied flora and fauna here without having sore feet. It is said that the trip will help you sleep well!*Package price for cable car fare and Yunxiang Amusement Park ticket: NTD$220 for adults and NTD$150 for concessions
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