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Yun Hsien Holiday Resort

Phone:886-2-26616383 Address:233 No.1-1, Pubu Road, Wulai District, New Taipei City
The Yun Hsien Holiday Resort is tucked away among the mountains of Wulai. From its Chinese name, one can tell that lingering clouds and mist are very much a part of the setting at this resort. Also abundant here is the ecology. Cicada sounds and dancing butterflies fill the air, and there is a walking path surrounded by a rich variety of beautiful ferns. The most thrilling way to get to the resort is to take the cable car. Many visitors plan multi-day itineraries, choosing to live among the mountains to experience the joy of a nature trip in the forest. The park also contains a variety of recreational equipment geared toward children, making it a great place for the young and old. Families especially love to visit the animal park to see the many cute creatures that call the resort home.
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