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Yinghanling(Tough Man Peak)

Phone:886-2-22928888 Address:@25.1354948,121.4229113,17z
Yinghanling, with an elevation of 616 meters, is the highest peak of Guanyinshan.It was named “Tough Guys’ Peak” because it used to be a training site for the military police soldiers during Japanese Colonial Period. At the top of the peak, there stands a monument with a Chinese poetic couplet inscribed on both sides, meaning: “Choose the hardest way, and bear the heaviest.Come to become tough guys, and leave as tough guys.”From the top of the peak, you can see the panoramic view of the whole Taipei area, including part of the northern coast of Taiwan.It is actually an excellent outdoor classroom for geography of the whole area, as you can see the high mountains, volcanoes, hills, plateaus, plains, rivers, the basin, and the sea all around you.This peak is now a popular place for sightseeing and hiking.
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