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Artificial Reproduction

A unique in-vitro fertilization by using frozen eggs is developed in Taiwan. This super-advanced in-vitro fertilization by using frozen eggs benefits many women who are suffering from cancer but still want to have a child, as well as women who still want to have fertility due to their long-term career planning.

 In addition to the unique in-vitro fertilization by using frozen eggs, the implantation rate in IVF is as high as 36.7%. Taiwan has achieved a stable, high clinical success rate with single embryo transfer. The overall implantation rate of IVF therapy in Taiwan ranked the 2nd place worldwide, which almost equaled to the level in the US. And the birth rate in IVF is as high as 35.8% on the same level as the United States, even ahead of many developed countries from around the world such as the UK, Japan, Korea, etc. with the cost only 50% of the global average price.

implantation rate of IVF therapy

Data Source: Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine website.
Implantation rate of IVF therapy

Taiwan's reproductive medicine has a high efficiency in execution and has been continuously improving the convenience of medical treatment for neighboring countries. In recent years, the number of international patients receiving reproductive medicine services in Taiwan has continued to grow. Even under the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2022, the demand and expectation of international patients for medical treatment in Taiwan has not decreased, with approximately 11,490 international customers coming to Taiwan for reproductive medicine treatment.

According to TTFMT's statistics, reproductive medicine ranks fifth among the medical specialties for international patients seeking medical treatment in 2023.

We provide a patient-centric diagnosis for each of our patients with the aid of assisted reproductive technology, drugs, surgery, etc., to solve the patients' problems with infertility. We also provide in-vitro fertilization, intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), freezing of human sperm, eggs and embryos, blastocyst culture, and reproductive endocrine disorder treatment. Over the years, we have served many patients from all over the world and has won global reputation.

  Professional physicians monitor frozen sperm and eggs


 Professional medical team and equipment

 Chang Gung Memorial Center for Reproductive Medicine


Assisted Reproductive Technology Medicial Center


Patient Stories

  • W Story: Lovley twins came visit Dr. Wang
    W Story: Lovley twins came visit Dr. Wang

    W Story: Lovley twins came visit Dr. Wang

    This lovely couple, who came from Switzerland, brought their 2-year-old twins back home. 「Life is a miraculous process」 she said with admiration . Now that she returned to Taipei and hold two lovely twins by her side. For her, everything is different and she feels unprecedented happiness.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> When she first stepped into Dr. Wang Reproductive Fertility Clinic, a voice told her that Dr. Wang Chia-Woei was the right doctor for them! Although she had experienced several failed IVF cycles, Dr. Wang encouraged her not to give up easily and suggested that the couple may try PGT-A/PGS to screen out chromosomally abnormal embryos; At the time she had her frozen embryo transfer, She was alone in Taiwan. After returning to Switzerland, She suffered from jet lag, discomfort and went see a doctor. Only then she was told that she was pregnant!! They never thought that they will soon become parents, and be blessed with a pair of healthy twins!o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> She still remember very vividly while her pregnancy, Covid-19 was raging globally. And they just moved to a new environment where there were no family members and friends. 「I always missed my family members far away in mainland China」said her . Relying on her strong adaptability and understanding with her lovely "teammates", they had to take care of their twins by themselves after twins were born. Nevertheless, She felt the connection with twins was even more stronger. Luckily, the twins easily integrated into the local culture in Switzerland. Compared with Asian parenting more rely on 3C products, they prefer let the twins making friends with nature and exploring interesting things in their daily life. \ o:p>/o:p> Just because she often travels internationally, our lovely patient yearns for the stability of home very much. When she mentioned Dr. Wang Chia Woei, her eyes are full of gratitude, and the W team just provides such a warm atmosphere supporting her through the IVF path. After going through the tedious medical visa application, she came to Taiwan this time ready to transfer previously frozen embryos, and hopefully a younger sibling will make an already dynamic family more dynamic. The two cute and naughty twins melted the hearts of everyone present. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!o:p>/o:p>

  • 【NUWA】Japanese Baby Made in Taiwan! - 40 Years Old Couple IVF Success Story
    【NUWA】 Japanese Baby Made in Taiwan! - 40 Years Old Couple IVF Success Story

    【NUWA】 Japanese Baby Made in Taiwan! - 40 Years Old Couple IVF Success Story

    Considering their age, T-san and her husband decided to choose IVF as an efficient way to prepare for pregnancy as a 40 years old couple. NUWA Fertility Center along with our Japanese consultants became their first choice. Dr. Meng Shun Shen | NUWA Fertility Center Hello friends of Taiwan & Japan! T-san and her husband have been married for many years and wish for a baby. At 40, she has had several prenatal checkups and everything has worked out well, but she wanted to proceed with IVF due to the risks posed by age. They had a full Japanese consultation with the doctors and physicians at NUWA, so there was no language barrier. T-san’s husband is Taiwanese, so they were able to qualify for Taiwan’s IVF Aid Program. This program covers the process of egg retrieval, fertilization, a PGT-A (PGS) test for a superb embryo, and eventually successfully birthing a healthy baby boy at the end of 2022. "The couple came in months ago to say hi to me with their month-old baby, and even under their masks, I could see their happiness and joy." - Dr. Shen said. Maybe their son was too cute, and maybe it was because their entire experience was comfortable and trusting, they’re already planning their second child! I guess we’ll see each other soon. Meet the Qualifications and Enjoy Taiwan’s IVF Subsidy Program Taiwan’s IVF Aid Program has already been in effect for a year, and there already have been 50,000 couples who qualified for it. As long as you meet the qualifications and have Taiwanese citizenship, you’re able to apply for it. The biggest age range is 37 to 40-year-olds. In addition, while undergoing IVF, the chances of a healthy embryo successfully implanting significantly increase if there are PGS testings and a time-lapse system for embryos! Visit the largest fertility chain in Taiwan: Contact us for

  • First Attempt Success After Blocked Fallopian Tubes
    【NUWA】First Attempt Success After Blocked Fallopian Tubes

    【NUWA】First Attempt Success After Blocked Fallopian Tubes

    There was a girl from Macau who dreamed of becoming a mother but encountered blocked fallopian tubes. Undeterred, she bravely embarked on a journey to Taiwan, seeking help from NUWA Fertility Center in Taoyuan. Dr. Horng Shang Gwo | NUWA Fertility Center Good news from Macau before the Lunar New Year This patient from Macau came to NUWA Fertility Center in Taoyuan over a year ago. Her hysterosalpingography (HSG) suggested blocked fallopian tubes, and even after undergoing laparoscopic surgery, her tubes remained obstructed. Thus, she began her IVF journey and underwent PGS (preimplantation genetic screening). A single embryo was successfully implanted, and she graduated from NUWA with a confirmed pregnancy! Throughout her pregnancy, we kept in touch, and recently, she gave birth at full term, with both mother and baby doing well. Congratulations! Welcoming couples facing difficulties conceiving to have a consultation I’m delighted to share this wonderful news and spread the joy. For couples struggling with their fertility journey, feel free to come and talk with me. I will do my best to assist you, and together, we can look forward to welcoming your little bundle of joy! Visit the largest fertility chain in Taiwan: Contact us for

  • W Story: Lovley twins came visit Dr. Hsieh
    W Story: Lovley twins came visit Dr. Hsieh

    W Story: Lovley twins came visit Dr. Hsieh

    On Saturday morning, a pair of lovely twins came visit Dr. Hsieh. They were born just 1 minute apart. Patients said that she never thought she would need IVF to help her achieve their dream to become parents since all the hormone level ​​showed normal. They didn’t take it seriously when friends with IVF experience told them that “it would be more efficient to do IVF”o:p>/o:p> They've tried several rounds of oral ovulation pills and artificial insemination (IUI). o:p>/o:p> They decided to go for IVF after several failed rounds of IUI.o:p>/o:p> They remember vividly that their number of eggs collected during 1st egg retrieval was not as expected and she had emotional breakdown just after she recover in the operating room. However, she was very grateful to the team for giving "just enough" care in a timely manner. She said that the moment was "really, really, really needed."o:p>/o:p> They hang tight and when it comes to their second egg retrieval, the number of matured egg, the fertilization and blastocyst formation rates were much better than the first time. The second embryo transfer resulted in a successful pregnancy, and they were so excited when the doctor told them that he saw the fetal heartbeats. They had not thought about the huge challenges in life - until the day the twins were officially born. o:p>/o:p>

  • W Story: Twins safely landed on the Earth!
    W Story: Twins safely landed on the Earth!

    W Story: Twins safely landed on the Earth!

    Dear Dr. Wang, My husband and I have no words to express our gratitude to you and your team. We, as a couple, had dreamed of having our own children for years, but we encountered so many obstacles and failures over the past years that we both felt frustrated and wanted to give up. Thanks to Dr. Wang for your professional knowledge and selfless dedication, you and your team helped us get pregnant smoothly and welcomed our twins on April 29. We know this process was not easy, but your patience and expertise made our dream come true.o:p>/o:p> Once again, I would like to sincerely thank Dr. Wang for being the angel in our lives. We will always remember your kindness!o:p>/o:p> And I hope Dr. Wang continue to help more families in need and realize their dreams to become parents! o:p>/o:p> July, 20 2024

  • 【Dr. Wang Reproductive Fertility Center】It Takes A Village To Create A Child
    【Dr. Wang Reproductive Fertility Center】It Takes A Village To Create A Child

    【Dr. Wang Reproductive Fertility Center】It Takes A Village To Create A Child

    An African proverb: It takes a village to raise a child! Our W purpose: It takes a village to create a child at W, no one is an outsider! Let alone TWO child! o:p>/o:p> A 36-year-old Japanese patient, has gone through many times of egg retrieval, embryo PGS, and several miscarriages. Carrying all the hardness and heavy frustration at such a young age is difficult for others to imagine. It’s lucky to be at W, a non-PGS embryo finally makes her pregnant! o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> There is an advantage in W, when you come in W, many doctors will take care of you together regardless of each other! These reproductive doctors and rheumatologist are never worry about transferring patients, they think as a doctor should make you well with whole their heart. The superintendent Dr.Wang says, the pregnant rate is first thing of all, don’t push your patient to do any unnecessary treatment. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> In Dr.Chen, Superintendent Wang, Dr. Yang’s good hands and discussions, this young couple finally successed without PGS. After carefully picking two embryoes, immunitive use the simple least dose of asprin and heparin plus a low dose of intralipid, finally bring a pair of lovely biracial babies into the world. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Ah! A twin is a kind of healing (to us), so as to show the W spirit—A whole village’s love! Our nurses can not help but eager to hold the babies while withdrawing the blood and doing the injections! Our nurses have baby-sitting experiences! Wbestivf nursing home! I encourage you W parents registerd our immursive baby-sitting service as early as possible. (You know it’s only a joke.)o:p>/o:p>

  • 【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan
    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    【You are a woman who bravely chose to become a mother】 Ms. Chang had been in a relationship with her husband for many years, and by the time they agreed to marry, she was already 40 years old. They tried to conceive naturally for over a year but experienced three miscarriages, making the journey difficult. In an attempt to find the cause of her infertility, she visited not only clinic but major hospitals, and only to be told, "There is no specific reason; it's just because of your age." "I love my job, but it seems that my lifestyle has become an obstacle," Ms. Chang shared. However, in Dr. Lee's clinic, there were no accusations that as a woman she should focus solely on having children, nor were there demands to give up her career because that, in essence, is not a mistake. At that time, they successfully retrieved five embryos and performed PGS and ERA. Although the first implantation resulted in a pregnancy, they waited in vain for the baby's heartbeat. The second implantation took place on December 25th, Christmas Day. The memory of that day remains vivid for Ms. Chang; she recalls that TFC had a Santa Claus and remembers Dr. Lee's words, "Let's wait together for a Christmas miracle." The miracle did happen—the baby finally arrived. Ms. Chang concluded with encouragement: "Your relentless efforts deserve the best medical team to help you realize your dream. You are a woman who bravely chose to become a mother." If you are still on the journey of waiting for a child, let's continue to persevere together. TFC will be your strong support, helping you bring your baby home. 📍Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivf 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download:

  • 【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan
    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    ..News Anchor Hsu Yun Xiang (Ariane Hsu) froze her embryos five years ago with Dr. Tzeng's help. The plan of having a second child has been put off because she had a hectic life with her schooling, career, and family.. News Anchor Ariane said: “I eventually finished my thesis last year, and I felt it was time to bring the child home. I felt no concern even though I was going to need injections and medication because I told myself these are guardian shots, and these shots are able to keep my baby safe in the womb. During the treatment, once again, Dr. Tzeng exceeded our expectations. We are so fortunate that transferring of the single embryo resulted in success after just one attempt. Our baby "moved in" with ease. 🤩 I chose TFC Taipei Fertility Center due to Dr. Tzeng, who is called the father of IVF in Taiwan because he created the very first IVF baby in Taiwan. Moreover, TFC provides round-the-clock support with empathetic and experienced medical professionals. I was well taken care of during the whole treatment.” With Ariane's effort and perseverance, she is expecting her second child in 2024. "Believe in yourself! You might catch the sweet cadence of joyous heartbeats.🧡" 📍Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivf 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download: Android Download:

  • 【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan
    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    【Taipei Fertility Center 】Case Sharing from Taiwan

    Taipei Fertility Center / Case Sharing from Taiwan I’m a patient who had one of my ovaries removed. I was diagnosed with the cancer when I was in college. After finishing my whole cancer treatment, my husband and I had started our family-forming plan for 2 years, and got nothing sadly. Then I met Dr.Hu when I was 38. At that time, my AMH value was only 0.3ng/ml because of my age and the lesion caused by chemotherapy before. During the IVF treatment, I was suggested with 2 options – collecting my eggs by several retrieval surgeries or egg donation. Although I was so anxious, I decided to go for 4 times of egg retrievals without hesitation, and luckily I got 9 eggs collected! Finally, 3 embryos were implanted into my uterus, and I was pregnant successfully with the singleton. Few months after, I came back to see Dr.Hu with my precious 8-month-old baby. I told my baby that this is the second time he met Dr.Hu. The first time happened in the time-lapse incubator when he is still an embryo. What a strong vitality! It’s such an amazing miracle we won’t ever forget. Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download:>/o:p> Android Download:

  • Taipei Fertility Center
    【Taipei Fertility Center】Patient Story-You're precious and treasured!

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Patient Story-You're precious and treasured!

    “We are deeply grateful to Dr. Ho for his invaluable assistance in identifying where our problems stem from and providing effective solutions, which ultimately led to the successful arrival of our precious baby. Dr. Ho has not only been our medical caregiver but also a great source of mental support and encouragement. He is simultaneously the problem solver and the tower of strength to us. Sometimes, I inevitably got a mental breakdown, but Dr. Ho always maintained a gentle yet firm attitude, urging us to keep moving forward during our IVF treatment. I couldn’t ask for a better doctor than him!” Opening 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍TFC App: iOS Download:>/o:p> Android Download:

  •  WStory: I Thought Being A Mother Was Only A Dream
    WStory: I Thought Being A Mother Was Only A Dream

    WStory: I Thought Being A Mother Was Only A Dream

    Many patients from Hong Kong that couldn’t show up at Home-coming during Covid pandemic start to bring the babies “home.” The mom and baby Woei came visit us under rigid sun in the morning just for seeing Dr. Wang! Your visit is so sweet!o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> How soon the time has gone! The little boy has been 4 years old! See how happy Dr. Wang smile while holding him! o:p>/o:p> Now you’ve been wrap up in the pair of children with your full love.o:p>/o:p> Those days of IVF treatment, fertility shots, eggs retrievival and embryo transfer, many same-day trips between Hong Kong and Taipei, and had to do the shots by yourself… seems gone far for long… o:p>/o:p> Oh, I forgot to tell you, receiving your hand-writing letter, Dr. Wang and team are so touched. The bliss-fulfilled full-family picture made us understand why we Are here. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> To Dr. Wang and Team, o:p>/o:p> I thought being a mother was just a dream. I can’t believe the dream become reality.o:p>/o:p> Since getting married in 2014, I start TTC in 2016. We were young then, never thought it should be such a bumpy road. In a year and half, I went through several miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> At the time I never considered myself becoming a mother until I met Dr. Wang. Thank you made my dream come true, and made my life and family complete. I thought time’s ticking then; therefore I directly quit myself and dedicate to my IVF treatment. It started since early 2018, fertility shots, egg retrieval and embryo transfer, and many same-day trip between Taipei and Hong Kong with self-injection. During all these I deeply felt Dr. Wang and Teams’ love and professional care. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> We had our baby Woei, when we had our 2nd embryo transfer, and have a Woei baby. Although the whole pregnancy I was always trembling with fear and scare, it was all heart gripping story. From the first time I heard the little one’s heart beats, seeing him moving hands and legs, feeling the true baby moving. I dare not to take it for real till he was born. I held him and listened to his crying, I truly believed I have been a mother. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> However the covid pandemic came right after the first baby was born, we can not visit Taiwan to show our appreciation. Now the big brother has been nearly four and he also bring us his younger brother. Everyday we watch them fight, really noisy and tiresome, but it’s a sense of fulfillment. I only hope the two brothers will grow healthily and happily. o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>o:p>/o:p> At last, I truly thank for Dr. Wang and Teamo:p>/o:p> Wish you joy and happiness. o:p>/o:p>

  • 【Taipei Fertility Center】 “You Have No Time to Waste” from a happy, healthy and seemingly fit woman in Australia
    【Taipei Fertility Center】 “You Have No Time to Waste” from a happy, healthy and seemingly fit woman in Australia

    【Taipei Fertility Center】 “You Have No Time to Waste” from a happy, healthy and seemingly fit woman in Australia

    From a happy, healthy, and seemingly fit woman, all of a sudden, I was told I have not much time left.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> First extraction - Australiao:p>/o:p> Now I look back my first experience in Australia, was quite a daunting process with little that I was explained - I used to have quite a lot of faith in Australian medical system given my last 20 years of living in Australia and my early years in Hong Kong. Comparatively, I deem myself as very fortunate, I experienced the best out of the 2 places I call home, before I experienced what is better in Taiwan.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Why Taiwan?o:p>/o:p> Taiwan stood out to me as the first resort, as I recall my successful eye laser surgery back in 2014. I have long heard about the positive experience of receiving medical services in Taiwan, from a lot of news and articles, even friends around me.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> A lot of my Taiwanese friends would wait until they can return home, to get their bodies fixed basically - even from dental appointment or their annual health check, to minor procedures and even major operation. They would rather endure the pain until they can return home.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> I never used to understand them, and I even once joked about their being a “baby”.o:p>/o:p> “Come on, be an adult and you’re in Australia already. Stop revert everything back home!o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> I must admit Taiwan is not the only country that offers egg freezing procedure but after balancing all factors including affordability, medical and technological advancement, and possibility of receiving support from friends and family in case of emergency or eveno:p>/o:p> repatriation, Taiwan was unparalleled. After all, even if I got enough in the end, I know I would still enjoy the sight-seeing and reconnection with a few friends.o:p>/o:p> There’s a Chinese saying, 沒有比較就沒有傷害 - Compare and despair.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> I can spend another thousand words on how I landed on choosing Taipei TFC but my experience with them was just top notch.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> From my first contact - the fact that I could even contact them via WhatsApp, till landing myself in Taipei to my seeing my specialist for the first time, the whole journey was very smooth, transparent and I felt I was well supported.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Not only everyone I was put in contact with speaks fluent English but all relevant materials, information on their website and their awareness of geographical factors and limitations were something I would not ask for, but they have them all.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Experience can be subjective so for those result-oriented readers:o:p>/o:p> The number of mature eggs extracted without any scientifically significant change in my AMH level was more than 3 times more than what I had in Australia, and there is only 1 month gap between the 2 extractions.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Let the story continue!o:p>/o:p> After this experience, I just wanted more people like me do not feel despair but DO COMPARE! Sometimes alternatives are out there for those who seek, and different results can be achieved by simply looking for second opinion or even just give yourself a chance in a different country.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> The positive experience I had throughout the process, the relieving result of the egg extraction or simply everywhere I have been to in Taiwan, including all the good food, nice people and beautiful sceneries in Taiwan (I managed to travel around Taipei, Jiufen and even Kaohsiung) came as a package for this success, or even if it reached my bottom line of expectation, I know I would still be winning and smiling.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> All in all, I was grateful for the medical and supporting team in Taipei TFC, especially Dr. Lee Yi-Hsuan, for looking after me. Thanks for giving me an opportunity and a “home” for my weary soul who has been exhausted in looking for options during this once I believed was a rat race.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> When I totally respect the merits, and pros and cons in any circumstances including the medical systems in Australia and Taiwan, I know I always have a choice.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> And I have chosen to return to Taipei TFC for my second extraction in November.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> I can’t wait to share my next chapter of this journey - when I will have to be ino:p>/o:p> consultation with both local medical team in Australia and in Taipei as I do not have the recommended 15 days to stay in Taipei for the full procedure.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p> Jenny Chiu – Oct 2023o:p>/o:p> Introduction of MD. Yi-Xuan o:p>/o:p> Opening>/o:p> 📍Phone number: +886-2-2725-2333 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍E-mail:admservice@tfcivf.como:p>/o:p> 📍TFC App: iOS Download:>/o:p> Android Download:

  • Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital
    【Tungs' Hospital】A Heartwarming Journey to Parenthood: Overcoming Challenges with Hope

    【Tungs' Hospital】A Heartwarming Journey to Parenthood: Overcoming Challenges with Hope

    In Hong Kong, Mr. Po's dream of parenthood faced an unexpected obstacle: fertility issues due to varicocele. Desperate for answers, he embarked on a whirlwind journey that saw him shuttling between Hong Kong and Thailand. A Transformative Message, A Life Reimagined: Mr. Po's Path with Dr. Lu Finally, Mr. Po discovered Dr. Lu Jin-Heng , a microsurgical varicocele repair expert in Taiwan. With a single message to the hospital's Facebook page, Mr. Po and his wife embarked on a transformative journey to Taiwan. Igniting Hope: Dr. Lu's Precision That Sparked Remarkable Recovery His diagnosis revealed the full extent of Mr. Po's condition. Recommending cutting-edge microsurgery, Dr. Lu promised faster recovery. The surgery succeeded, and within just 3 days, Mr. Po was already on the road to healing. A Journey of Renewed Hope: Mr. Po's Courageous Path to Parenthood Mr. Po's sperm quality significantly improved, reigniting his hopes for parenthood. Mr. Po's journey wasn't just a physical one; it was a story of determination, hope, and unwavering commitment. Thanks to Dr. Lu, Mr. Po and his wife now look forward to a future filled with the promise of a brighter, family-filled life.

  • [Egg Recipient Program] New Hope of Oversea IVF, Successful Pregnancy with Young eggs and PGS
    Repeated Failed in IVF, Egg Bank Help Me Get A Baby

    Repeated Failed in IVF, Egg Bank Help Me Get A Baby

    In the beginning, we hoped that we could do the treatment on our own, and reduce the cost by not going through an agent, so we chose Taiwan for the treatment. We initially chose to perform treatment in other hospitals in Taiwan. But that hospital was unable to ensure the number of eggs retrieved by the donor. The number of eggs the donor retrieved the first time was not as high as expected, so the donor did two egg retrievals. We were so disappointed about the result. We ended up with two transfers, we spent twice as much time and money, and even though we ended up with three embryos, we still couldn't get pregnant. We were very disappointed that we planned to end the fertility treatment, but I didn't want to give up and tried to convince my husband. Therefore, we started our treatment in Stork Fertility Center last year (2017). Fortunately, the consultant of Stork was able to communicate in fluent Japanese and answer our trivial questions. We received the doctor's instructions through the consultant, therefore we went to Stork for the first consultation smoothly. There are very luxurious hotel-like rooms in Stork. We stayed in that room for one night, and an airport shuttle took us directly to the hospital. The doctor is very gentle and cheerful. The doctor answered all of our questions based on medical evidence, so we can continue our treatment with peace of mind. After the initial consultation, the consultant notified a donor who met our expectations by mail. The donor provided us with 20 frozen eggs, which were fertilized and cultured into 11 embryos. Based on my physical condition, the doctor prescribed implanted medicine to me. During the implantation cycle, I did not have to fly to Taiwan. I had my endometrial thickness confirmed and blood values drawn at the hospital in Japan, and finally let the stork doctor decide the date of implantation. After the transfer, I stayed in bed, and although the doctor said I did not need to stay in bed. I know I'm a little overwrought, but I think it's better to be cautious. After returning to Japan, the counselor also emailed several times to confirm that I had taken the right medication. When I checked at the Japanese hospital and confirmed that I was pregnant, I was convinced that the multiple inspections that done by stork were really necessary.

  • How Could I be A Mom After Menopause in 20
    How Could I be A Mom After Menopause in 20

    How Could I be A Mom After Menopause in 20

    About three years ago, my husband and I heard the term “ Egg Recipient” for the first time. Before we took the egg recipient for IVF, we had experienced a lot of painful things, and we shed a lot of tears. We even thought about adopting a child. We thought if the child doesn’t have my genes, then is it best not to have a blood relationship with both of us? My husband and I had discussed it for a long time, and finally decided to take the egg recipient program. The reason for taking this move was that I wanted to give birth to a child of my husband and raise him as an adult. In terms of biology, my child and I are not related by gene. However, after all, it is me that gave birth after ten months of pregnancy! I really want to experience the process of pregnancy and having a baby. What would it be like? Since learning about the "egg recipient program", we have checked a lot of information. Japanese law doesn’t approve of this project, so if you want to take this in Japan, it will take a lot of time and money just to evaluate and check qualifications at the early stage. Because the evaluation is too strict, even after passing the assessment, it may take several years and I may grow into an advanced maternal age unknowingly. As soon as I heard that there is a possibility of pregnancy termination at an advanced pregnancy age, I became anxious. Accepting an egg donation doesn’t necessarily lead to pregnancy. Even if you get pregnant successfully, you may not be able to continue your pregnancy, and you may not even be able to give birth to your baby safely. These risks aren’t just because of egg recipients, but because IVF has its own risks. However, even with so many risks, we still want to give it a try. At that time, I strongly believed that if I didn't do it, I would definitely regret it. We went to two hospitals’ seminars of egg recipients in Japan, one of which was the Stork Fertility Center. We were redeemed by what the doctor said. In fact, my husband was still hesitant, so I took him to the seminar in order to persuade him. What the doctor said on the stage deeply touched my husband's heart. He started to face and think positively, and finally we gave birth to the baby safely. For us, this is a very meaningful thing. We are very happy! Although I still have the idea of ​​"This child does not have my genes", but more importantly, this child grew up in my belly. It was a lovely child who was born after my ten-month pregnancy with abdominal pain. This has not changed and beyond doubt. In the future, I will truthfully tell my kid about the egg recipient. We decided to reveal it to the child slowly when he/she is not sensible, and when he learns more and more, we will explain it to him very carefully. I would like to thank the donor who dedicated precious eggs to us in this article. Thank you, thanks to your loving donation, we can have a son/daughter. I will tell the kid about you. I will tell him/her: "This girl doesn't even know the names of mom and dad, but she is willing to help us." Thank you so much. We are very happy. Thank you for what you gave us. I know that there will be a lot of trials from now on, but the three of us will go through it hand in hand. Next, I want to tell the couple who are still hesitating whether to take the egg recipient program. The project does have two side opinions. My parents-in-law were opposed at first, but now they are very happy to see their grandson/granddaughter and look forward to the child's growth. No matter how, this child is our treasure. There are few people like me who have menopause in their 20s. I used to suffer terribly because I couldn't have my own children, but now I am very happy. Thanks to the support of the Stork Fertility Center, I can have such happiness. Thank you all. After the child grows up, I want to take him/her on a trip to Taiwan, so that you all can see how he grows up. #Egg Donor Recipient Program#Egg Donation *This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.

  • Premature Ovarian Failure How To Get Pregnant
    Premature Ovarian Failure How To Get Pregnant

    Premature Ovarian Failure How To Get Pregnant

    I am A-Cheng from Hong Kong. After I married my wife A-Yin, we have always wanted a baby. We have tried so many years to no avail. After that, we went to several private hospitals in Hong Kong, also went to Chinese medicine practitioners, and ate various nutritional products. Two years ago, my wife's menstruation had been inaccurate due to her age. We all insisted on thinking about the good side. Although we are getting older, we will still have the same opportunities as other elderly couples. However, it is still stressful for A-Yin and I facing disappointment again and again. One day, A gynecologist told us that my wife's ovaries are close to menopause. The chance of success in IVF is very low, and the course of treatment will cause further damage to the ovaries. I felt very painful, but I also needed to comfort my tearful wife, “It doesn't matter, we should still have a way…” After that time, I tried to understand the latest information of IVF, including the development of three generation IVF. Stork Fertility Center has an individualized treatment design, and tailors the most appropriate ovulation induction treatment according to the status of the individual's ovarian inventory. With a professional doctor and a good reputation, I made a call to the Hong Kong Office of Stork (Temporary Closed). I recounted the situation of myself and my wife, hoping that stork could help us. I soon received an email from the Taiwanese consultant. The consultant quickly followed up on our situation and patiently answered the questions I raised. At the same time, she also provided some information about the center. The journals of Stork Fertility Center state many couples have persisted in chasing children for many years like us. After all the hardships, they have their own babies. After reading these stories, I was very moved. One day, the consultant suggested that we take part in an IVF seminar which Stork held in Hong Kong. Doctor’s introduction might help us. My wife and I went there on time that day. The doctor's professional introduction of reproductive technology deeply moved me and my wife. After that, my wife and I had the opportunity to ask the doctor for advice. After learning about the wife’s situation, the doctor answered all our questions and told us the best treatment plan based on the wife’s situation. Thanks to the doctor’s cordial words and professional attitude, my wife and I dispelled our doubts and were full of hope for the future. After that, the consultant and I continued to communicate via email and phone. After considering all aspects, we decided to go to Taiwan for the first consultation and examination. First time entering the Stork Taipei Center, and I saw a lot of artworks and spacious halls, which gave people a relaxed feeling. The colleagues I met, who were kind and polite, made us and my wife feel warm. Recalling that my wife and I had a lot of worries and questions throughout the course of treatment, I am especially grateful to the consultant for being able to answer patiently. Through email and telephone communication, many questions and worries of my wife and I have been eliminated. I am also very grateful to the doctors in charge of our cases for their professional attitude and kind words. I was particularly impressed by the clip: First of all, we know that there are healthy embryos. It is like waiting until the moment when the exam result is released when I am a student, and I can finally relax. Another exciting moment was when we were in Hong Kong. We saw the beating heart of the fetus. It's so unforgettable. Finally, we got our beautiful and healthy baby this year. Not only my wife and I, but also the two families are very joyful. During the day, I had to take care of my wife and baby after work. It was a bit harder, but my heart was full of joy. More than half a year later, I sometimes looked at my sleeping son and couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek. I really want to say thank you to Stork, every consultant and doctor who helped me. I have always wanted to share our story with couples who have encountered the same difficulties as us. Hope our story can help you. Further readingInternational Patient Travel #Premature Ovarien Failure#IVF#IVF3.0 Plus#IVF *This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.

  • Worried About Not Seeing Donor Photo in Taiwan
    Worried About Not Seeing Donor Photo in Taiwan

    Worried About Not Seeing Donor Photo in Taiwan

    I got married very late and found my Mr Right at 39. I started infertility treatment after I got married. However, what is sad was that after 30 egg retrievals and 14 implantations, I still couldn't get pregnant. Just when I felt frustrated that maybe I could only live a childless life with my husband for the rest of my life, I happened to learn that a friend who was more than ten years older than me already had a baby. That friend also did IVF for a long time, and has never been pregnant. I didn't know whether she ended up having a child through adoption or an egg recipient, I still felt envious and happy when I heard the news. At the same time, I read a blog post on the Internet about a netizen who accepted an egg recipient from Taiwan. The netizen was about 50 years old and was undergoing treatment in Taiwan. For me, who doesn't speak English and hates flying, perhaps going to Taiwan would be a more practical way. We have considered the European and USA countries for treatment, but we feel that the intermediary companies are unreliable and suspicious. In contrast, infertility centers in Taiwan do not need to be introduced by an intermediary, and we can communicate directly with hospitals. Additionally, the cost is relatively cheaper. There is even the government that manages donations and recipients, which makes me feel very relieved. At that time, I learned on the Internet about two famous reproductive centers that serve Japanese. I participated in the seminar held by these two, and I contacted them directly. Finally, we choose Stork Fertility Center, and there are several reasons: One is because the Stork has an egg bank,which already reserves the donor's eggs. I don’t need to worry about the donor’s situation being unsatisfactory. Furthermore, the doctor gave me the impression of being steady and honest.In addition, my counselor, her meticulous care was also the reason why I chose.She always considered my nervous personality. She was afraid that I would take the wrong medicine. She would give me reminders and suggestions via phone or email every time. Thank her very much. The most worth mentioning is the EGG BANK.At that time, my husband and I had talked about: "This should be a shortcut to pregnancy!" If so, we took the name of the born child a year after attending the seminar. The egg bank is really very efficient! There are a lot of items that must be checked when first visiting. Although it is very troublesome, it makes me feel safer before undergoing the implantation operation. We can’t look at the photo of a donor before accepting the egg recipient program in Taiwan. So many people said it would be anxiety. Yes, it causes anxiety. But I think it would be okay. Among the conditions of hope I mentioned, the donor has the same blood type as mine, and her height and weight are similar to mine. The consultant also said that the donor feels very similar to me. After the baby was born, it was cuter than I thought. My parents-in-law have five grandchildren. They also said that my child is the cutest one! Once I became unconfident because I couldn't have children, and I also repelled deep friendships with others. Since the birth of my child, in order to show others how cute my child is, I have become very active to go out to socialize and become a self-confident woman. People who are currently undergoing infertility treatment in Japan may not consider any treatment other than self-egg. But if you are unable to accept a life without children anyway, you may consider the option of "egg recipient program". I have no blood relationship with this child, but maybe it was me that had been pregnant for 10 months, the child is closer to me than the father who is related by blood! #Egg Donation#Overseas IVF *This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.

  • Tips and process of Lucky IVF from Taiwan
    Tips and process of Lucky IVF from Taiwan

    Tips and process of Lucky IVF from Taiwan

    My husband and I came from Hong Kong, went to Stork for IVF treatment starting in 2019. We were so lucky that we got a baby on our first try. So we would like to share our feelings and tips of the process, in order to encourage more people who like us. Why did we choose the IVF treatment? My husband and I got married in 2016. We reached a consensus to have a baby before we married. However, I still don’t get pregnant in 2019, when I am 32. Our friend is almost having their babies, I was getting nervous. We have tried to calculate the ovulation period, but we failed every time. We are efficient people so we search for more methods. And we found that IVF treatments are common and have a high successful rate. We would like to give it a try. My husband and I decided to do IVF, and Taiwan is our top choice because Taiwan is close to Hong Kong. Also, we always have confidence in Taiwan. We joined some seminars of other fertility centers from Taiwan. We finally chose Stork fertility Center, because they are so professional with the whole process and every detail. As I expected, everything was great. We went to Hsinchu center and Taipei center, both places are comfortable. And the staff were so professional. The technology they use is more advanced than I imagined. Whether it is egg retrieval or fertilization, you can see instant photos in the app. It is very advanced and reliable, which is very reassuring. The most difficult part of treatment is about time arrangement. Because we are business people, and we are too busy to have a vacation. So we flew to Taiwan after we got off from work. Moreover, the amount of injections and medicines are more than I thought. I still remember that my belly was bruised from the injection. When my husband gave me the injection, I couldn’t find a place to insert the injection at all. The most memorable thing for me is that I had to get an injection in Hong Kong before I was going to do the egg retrieval. Then I found out that the syringe with medicine had to be refrigerated before the injection, but I didn’t do this. Without this trigger, the medicines and injections I took before will be in vain.I still remember that the night when I discovered it was Sunday, and neither the Taiwan clinic nor the Hong Kong clinic should be not working. Fortunately, I contacted the Taiwan and Hong Kong clinics that night and got a reply, asking me to go to the Hong Kong clinic early tomorrow morning to get the shot. Monday morning I rushed to the clinic, and there was a meeting at work at the same time. I clearly remember that I was in the meeting on the phone while rushing to do the injection on the belly. Fortunately, the plan was not missed in the end and I went to Taiwan for egg retrieval. Finally, I want to share some good luck tips to who are ready to do IVF treatment: Do exercise: During the preparation process, I have regular aerobic exercise, such as running or swimming for 30 minutes, to ensure that my blood circulation and metabolism are better. Feet bath: I will soak my feet for 10 to 15 minutes one hour before sleep every day, until I sweat slightly to achieve the effect of warming the uterus. Supplement: 1~2 packs of fish or chicken essence, fish maw essence, Q10, eggs, avocado per day, a relatively high-protein and nutritious diet. Relax: I remember that I was very relaxed after the transfer, walking around and going to the night market, which may also be a factor for the success. So happy that the baby is now two years old! very healthy! The growth curve has been maintained above 90% (it should be the credit of PGS^—^) I wish you all a good pregnancy! #IVF3.0#IVF3.0 Plus#Overseas IVF *This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.

  • Final IVF Treatment Failed, Turn Into Egg Recipient Program
    Final IVF Treatment Failed, Turn Into Egg Recipient Program

    Final IVF Treatment Failed, Turn Into Egg Recipient Program

    I was married at 32. Regarding pregnancy, I have always thought that let it slide, and the baby will come naturally when the time comes. But after 35, I still haven't been pregnant. Then, I went to the clinic for infertility treatment and worked at the same time. I was 37 years old when the infertility treatment officially started. After 3 years of treatment in Japan, three hospitals were also changed. My AMH (ovarian inventory) was only 0.02 which was about very low, and I just realized that the number of my eggs was not enough. I was told by this hospital: “If I don’t get treatment as soon as possible, I am afraid that I will stop ovulating soon. The treatment must speed up.” I was shocked at the moment and accidentally caused my family members to be affected by my anxiety and restlessness. There was no time to sort out my mood, and I went directly to various examinations and treatments. Because of my low ovarian inventory, I need to retrieve eggs every menstrual cycle, and only two eggs can be retrieved each time. I not only need to take injections for about two weeks every month but also need to go back to the clinic almost every day. It’s really hard to balance work and infertility treatment. Even though I continue to receive treatment, there have been no good results. I often cried at night alone. I think over “Am I really unable to get pregnant?” again and again. I also thought about adoption as well. There is a sound from the bottom of my heart that makes me couldn’t give up, “I want to give birth for my husband.” I found information about the “Egg Recipient Program” from Stork Fertility Center in Taiwan, and also visited their website. Attracted by their high pregnancy rate, I quickly decided to contact them. Their consultants could communicate in Japanese, and I got their reply quickly. Although, I felt a little bit anxious due to rare information about the “Egg Recipient Program” in Japan. But I still have hope and expectation. We followed the instructions given by Stork, prepared all the documents in Japan, and flew to Taiwan, visit the Stork Fertility Center. The overall impression of the Stork is very bright and clean. My uneasy emotions have been wiped out, and I am being treated in Taiwan without any suspense. Maybe I am not sure whether I can carry out the treatment and all my feelings are written on my face. No matter the doctor or Japanese consultants, they all have a smile, encouraging me and explaining the treatment carefully, so that I can take overseas medical treatment with peace of mind. The examination was only mildly painful, and it ended soon. For me, the treatment in Taiwan doesn’t affect work at all. Before the first implantation, the ERA examination found that my implantation window was different from others. Although it didn’t succeed the first time. But after the second implantation, there were two lines on the pregnancy test stick. I couldn't believe it. I confirmed the pregnancy test several times.I think I can get pregnant smoothly because the advance of the pre-check had done enough, that’s why I found the cause of infertility. At 41, I gave birth to my child successfully, and my husband’s family members are also very happy. The child looks so much like my husband. I am writing while the child is 1 month old, and I can’t help crying when I look at my kid’s angelic sleeping face. If I hadn't had a child, it would be impossible to taste such happiness. I would like to thank the donor and every colleague who works in Stork. Thanks! #Egg Donor Recipient Program#Patient Testimonial *This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.

  • Hope Fertility & PGT Center——Clients from the USA with a thick medical record but with perseverance successfully got a baby
    Hope Fertility & PGT Center——Clients from the USA with a thick medical record but with perseverance successfully got a baby

    Hope Fertility & PGT Center——Clients from the USA with a thick medical record but with perseverance successfully got a baby

    Hope guards your bliss over a span of 12000 kilometers Two-month old Lucas has black hair. He wields his fists in the air and giggles. Lucas’s parents are from Taiwan. For the sake of the father's career, they settled down in the USA. The wife worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, taking great care of a group of kids. She loved children so much that she wished one of them could be her own kid. However, her expectation never came true. The couple had consulted many specialists around everywhere yet in vain. Eventually, they heard about a Director Chan in Taiwan who might offer them good news. This journey covered a span of more than 12,000 kilometers. Nevertheless, they were willing to undertake anything as long as they could fulfill their dream. This journey proved to be a most precious short cut. Lucas’s mom still remembers vividly the first time she came to Hope Fertility & PGT Center. Director Chan spent a great deal of time discussing with them. She remarked, " Director Chan was the first obstetrician that spared no trouble looking into all my medical record at great length." At that moment, she was determined to seek the help of Doctor Chan and tried again. The thick medical record exemplifies her painstaking experience in numerous medical treatments attempting to conceive a child. She has immune system related diseases which affect the implantation of embryos. When the immune system judges that the embryo is a foreign substance, it will resist it, making it difficult for the embryo to implant and stay in the uterus. The couple chose to undergo chromosome examination and faced every opportunity with caution. In October 2022, with the efforts of Hope’s professional team, the embryo was successfully implanted. All the endeavor brought about sweet fruit. As the pregnancy was stable, Lucas’s mom went back to the USA to labor. Despite being separated by the Pacific Ocean, Hope's concern never failed. Our consultants regularly monitored the conditions of the mother-to-be. In July 2023, after 38 weeks of pregnancy, she gave birth to a baby in the USA. To our excitement, Lucas was a healthy baby that weighed 4,345 grams. Both the mother and the child were in great physical condition. Hope Fertility & PGT Center extends a cordial welcome to couples who desire kids. Let Hope function as your initial step in parenthood and accompany you and your babies throughout the whole procedure. Hope Fertility & PGT Center will always stand here as a guardian for your happiness.

  • 【Lee Women’s Hospital】8 years of waiting, Filipino couple finally embrace their daughter
    【Lee Women’s Hospital】8 years of waiting, Filipino couple finally embrace their daughter

    【Lee Women’s Hospital】8 years of waiting, Filipino couple finally embrace their daughter

    'I thought it was impossible, but Dr. Lee made it possible'' Imee has been married for 8 years and has never been pregnant. She went to the OB for an examination and found that both of her fallopian tubes were blocked. As a result, surgery was required to remove them. Afterward, she attempted one IVF treatment, but out of 8 egg retrievals, only 1 egg was successfully retrieved. Unfortunately, this treatment ended in failure. Later on, after hearing a friend's successful story of having babies throuhg IVF at Lee Women's Hospital, Imee started considering the option of seeking fertility treatment internationally. After a year of careful consideration, Imee and her husband boarded a flight to Taiwan in 2018. During this treatment, Imee successfully obtained 4 embryos and had them frozen. However, one of the embryos did not implant successfully after being transferred. To identify the cause of the failed implantation, Dr. Maw-Sheng, Lee (李茂盛院長) conducted a comprehensive examination and discovered that Imee had immune issues. In the subsequent two cycles of egg retrieval, Imee collected 7 high-quality embryos. However, during this time, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. They were forced to stop all treatments and had to freeze the embryos, which resulted in a wait of two and a half years. In 2022, as the pandemic situation improved, Imee returned to Lee Women's Hospital. This time, Dr. Lee implanted two embryos, along with immunotherapy, to ensure successful embryo implantation. Two weeks after the implantation, Imee finally received the first positive pregnancy test in her life. When Imee heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time, 8 years of waiting and hardship vanished. It's delightful to hear that Imee's baby was born successfully in January, and she is a lovely baby girl. Imee wish to encourage everyone with her own experience, ‘For people who wants to get pregant, don't lose hope. Just com to Taiwan and see Dr. Lee, because he's the one who made it possible.' Contact us now > Meet Top1 IVF Hospital in Taiwan >

  • 【Lee Women’s Hospital】From Hong Kong and Korea, met in Australia, having a baby in Taiwan
    【Lee Women’s Hospital】From Hong Kong and Korea, met in Australia, having a baby in Taiwan

    【Lee Women’s Hospital】From Hong Kong and Korea, met in Australia, having a baby in Taiwan

    The couple is from Hong Kong and Korea. They love each other so much but couldn't have their own child. So they attended our consultation fair and came to Taiwan in January this year. Yesterday they send us a picture of their 12-week-old baby. May God bless them with joy and happiness.

  • 【Lee Women’s Hospital】Mosaic embryo turning into boy and girl twins
    【Lee Women’s Hospital】Mosaic embryo turning into boy and girl twins

    【Lee Women’s Hospital】Mosaic embryo turning into boy and girl twins

    Background of Ms. Y from Hong Kong: 29 years old AMH 1.7 Single tubal occlusion Ms. Y from Hong Kong is in her reproductive golden period but was unable to get pregnant. She was very worried that she might not be able to give birth due to primary ovarian insufficiency and problems with her oviduct. Ms. Y has found out that 7 of her ova couldn’t be used at her first retrieval in LWH. On the second retrieval, President Lee changed his strategy toultra-low oxygen culturingby lowering the oxygen level of the incubator from5% to 2%to accelerate embryo development. But unfortunately, among embryos that have been cultured successfully, 60%-70% of them aremosaic embryos. As President Lee always says, ‘There is always hope if you don’t give up.’ There were already over 200 cases of mosaic embryos born healthily in LWH. In the end, 3 mosaic embryos were implanted and 2 of them were successfully implanted. For overseas patients, please leave a message below or contact For patients in China, please add our official WeChat account of ivftaiwan For patients in Hong Kong and Macau, please contact

  • [Egg Recipient Program] Premature Ovarian Failure at 30 Finally Pregnancy in Taiwan
    [Egg Recipient Program] Premature Ovarian Failure at 30 Finally Pregnancy in Taiwan

    [Egg Recipient Program] Premature Ovarian Failure at 30 Finally Pregnancy in Taiwan

    I am 36 now. I recall the hardships I have experienced in the past six years, and finally I had my own child. Look at my sleeping baby, I would like to record this process, kind of to say goodbye to this trip. Premature Ovarian Failure at 30, only can rely on Egg Recipient Program I found I had premature ovarian failure at 30. My AMH result was only 0.06. It really shocked me, I couldn't believe it at first, and finally accepted it. And I started to see doctors around the country. I tried everything and had IVF treatment for 2 year. Due to my premature ovarian failure, it’s hard to get the oocyte, even the good one. Although I was successful once, the baby was found it’s unhealthy at 28 weeks pregnant. I just let it go. After the induction of labor, my premature ovarian failure was even worse. I couldn't bear it any longer. I once thought about giving up. I thought it would be nice to live in a two-person world. Watching the birth of a friend's child. I can't fool myself, I still want a complete life and family with children. In the end, I chose the Egg Recipient Program. The Egg Recipient Program was illegal at that time. I knew some couples faced the same issue and they consulted the black market. But I was worried. Even though it's convenient, I felt insecure about an unmanaged egg bank, so I ended up not going to the black market for treatment. Egg Recipient is legal in Taiwan, that’s why I went to Stork Later I learned that the Egg Recipient Program is legal in Taiwan. After getting to know and being recommended by friends, I finally chose the Stork Fertility Center in Taiwan. In 2018, I started to contact Stork and prepared all the documents needed. I flew to Taiwan for the first visit, and the most important, I began pairing with the egg donor. Soon, I paired the donor after a month. It's a pity that the pairing of Taiwan's Egg Recipient Program is double-blind. We can't see donors’ photos, we can only imagine what the donor's look like through the mouth of the consultant. It’s efficient. So I planned for my next check-up-ERA. That's to make sure my window of implantation opens at a regular time. They make sure everything before implantation, including thrombus indicators. And it found out my D-Dimer is higher. So I have to do heparin injection. Even though it's uncomfortable, I could do anything for my baby. It turns out why not go to Taiwan at the beginning, tossing me for so many years, and making me exhausted. I finished all the procedures in one year: visa, notarization, flight ticket, examination, pick the donor, ERA, implantation. Finally, I gave birth to a lovely baby, and completed my dream. I experienced different treatments between Stork and the hospital in China. There are many people in China, and it is chaotic and long waiting in China. Stork is totally opposite. From the doctor, nurse and assistant, I felt comfortable and pleased. Most importantly, it’s legal center, they follow the Artificial Reproduction Law, serious for every step and procedure. The donor must be healthy before the pairing. Everytime I see my sleeping baby, I always want to say You only have one cell that is not mine, the rest of the billions of cells in your body are all given to you by me. I have suffered all kinds of hardships just to have you, I hope you can grow up healthy, safe and happy. I love you. However, I got through all 6 years to have my baby. I still appreciate that I didn't give up, and I chose Stork. Thanks to the doctors and staff from Stork Fertility Center that complete my life and my family. *This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.

  • My Challenging Journey of IVF at Taiwan
    My Challenging Journey of IVF at Taiwan

    My Challenging Journey of IVF at Taiwan

    I didn’t plan my future when I was young, is oocyte donation my only option? I've never heard of the concept of freezing eggs for future use when I was still young. Hong Kong people are known for their hard-working and high living expenses. However, working women are often spending time at work in the golden age for marriage and childbirth. They are often labeled as three-high leftover women (higher age, high educational background, high income). I've been there, no choice but to suffer in silence. Hong Kong looks like a modern, civilized, and open society, but it is still very behind in terms of constitutions such as bachelorettes freezing their eggs. In recent years, some HK celebrities have mentioned their egg freezing treatment overseas. It created some attention in the society of egg freezing. I waited until the age of 41 to come across the concept of egg freezing, embryo freezing. In the meantime, in Taiwan, most high school students learn about it in a science lesson. It highlighted the lack of sex education and moral education in Hong Kong. As for me, I started IUI treatment as soon as I got my marriage certificate. After a failed IUI treatment in Hong Kong, a friend of mine from Taiwan introduced me to a small clinic in Taiwan. I went through two egg retrieval surgeries and three implantation surgeries. Though we had culture 12# Day 3 embryos, the doctor convinced me the outer layer (trophectoderm) is fragile and freeze those instead of culture till day five. I felt like I hit the bottom of my self-esteem. Personalized IVF treatment collecting embryos With an adequate AMH index and decent response after injections, I am not ready to give up yet. At 43, I heard of Doctor O from Stork Fertility Center for the first time from a Shanghainese friend. He carefully reviewed my clinical history and agreed with us. At our first visit, he prescribed a long-acting injection and a few other injections for me to bring back to Hong Kong. I waited for my period to come. I used a long-acting injection on my period day 3, it will last about 4-5 days. unlike traditional IVF treatment, I don't need to do injections every day, it was much easier for me. The result of my first egg retrieval was 17# formed four blastocysts which were very comforting. But based on the fact that only one blastocyst has reached BB grade. And the result of PGS/PGT-A (pre-implantation chromosome screening) showed "abnormal chromosome". Thus I implanted the other two embryos without PGS test. It was like a gamble, and I lost. Doctor O suggested I undergo another retrieval surgery while my ovarian function was still ok. Aimed at collecting embryos. I got 6 BC-grade embryos at last. Some might say transferring BC-grade embryos is gambling with our bodies. But isn't life a gamble? Life's always been a gamble since I was young working overseas, the encounter with my significant half. Desperately, praying for a good pregnancy Considering all factors, I decided to implant four blastocysts at one time! On the one hand, I pray that the transfer will be successful, and on the other hand, I hope my 44-year-old body can be capable of twins or more. Everyone said that the two-week waiting is more painful than the injections and the postoperative. However, after four failed implantations, I was mentally prepared for everything that could happen. Maybe it’s because I didn’t put pressure on myself. I was lucky. I got a positive result for the pregnancy test. I am so thankful for the consultants at Stork. They were very supportive and reminded me of every little detail. I was calm when I saw the result. I was even suspicious while I was waiting for the time to take the ultrasound test. I was truly relieved when I heard the baby's heartbeat in the hospital. My 88-year-old dad shed tears ... It may be because God already knows what I have been experiencing for the last 3 years. He treated me well during the 10 months of pregnancy. I've been a good patient, I took my medicine as the Doctor told me. I experienced zero morning sickness. In my second and third trimesters, I was able to work at home due to the spread of COVID19. At 39 weeks, my baby came to this beautiful world with loud crying. The moment was surely amazing. It feels like a miracle. Stork Fertility Center helped me through the journey. *This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.

  • Cute Japanese baby goes back to mother's family
    Cute Japanese baby goes back to mother's family

    Cute Japanese baby goes back to mother's family

    Due to work factors, a Japanese couple was sent to Taiwan and could not return to Japan due to the pandemic. Eventually, they chose to undergo fertility treatment at BRCIVF and successfully became pregnant one after another. BRCIVF won their trust and also earned a good reputation. On weekends, the colleagues were very happy to see the Japanese couple who gave birth to a baby, visiting us at BRCIVF to share their happiness. We have nursing consultants who are proficient in Japanese, so we can provide them with clear information and intimate, safe services. As an international reproductive center, BRCIVF colleagues are not only dedicated to providing reproductive medical services to foreign residents in Taiwan but also continuously striving to fulfill the wishes of Taiwanese people to have children. Wish you a healthy pregnancy! Learn more: Line: Reservation hotline: 02-2100-6318 Reservation website: Address: 2F, No. 318, Songjiang Rd., Taipei City (Exit 4, Xingtian Temple MRT Station)

  • Why we recommend "Single Embryo Transfer".
    Why we recommend "Single Embryo Transfer".

    Why we recommend "Single Embryo Transfer".

    Mrs. Jiang lived in Hong Kong after getting married, and she has never been pregnant. The couple decided to come back to Taipei to do IVF treatment at BRC. She implanted an embryo for the first time and gave birth to a boy who is now seven years old, after two years she came back to BRC for implanting the second embryo, which gave them a lovely second baby girl. Back then, if two embryos were implanted at the same time, they might have been twins, however the choice of "Single Embryo Transfer", having this pair of healthy and lovely siblings completely avoided the risk of multiple pregnancy for mothers and babies. Looking at the photo of their family of four with such happiness. We wish your family good health, happiness, success and prosperity.

  • Reunion with Japanese family!
    Reunion with Japanese family!

    Reunion with Japanese family!

    A Japanese couple who is working in Taiwan came back with an eight-month-old baby who was a successful case last year. They are ready to do embryo implantation once again at BRC. Looking at the picture of the happy family of three, we are really happy for them! Thank you for choosing us, and have faith in Becoming Reproductive Center. We wish your family good health, happiness, success and prosperity.

  • Full of happiness
    Full of happiness

    Full of happiness

    The couple have lived in the United States for many years and tried hard for a long time to get pregnant. Finally, they chose to come back to Dr. Li. After Dr. Li's careful treatment, the pregnancy was successful. They stayed in Taiwan being taken care by Dr. Li until mid-pregnancy before returning to the United States. They gave birth to a lovely baby girl at the end.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>Seeing this photo of a happy family of three, we are really touched. The little princess will grow up safely and healthily!o:p>/o:p>

  • Life will find its way out
    Life will find its way out.

    Life will find its way out.

    Life will find its way out. A Japanese couple working in Taiwan, due to the wife diagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome, her menstrual cycle is too irregular to catch the ovulation day to conceive. They have decided to do IVF treatment. Following Dr. Li’s suggestion, she tried taking ovulation induction drug again which help them to track the day of timed intercourse. When she realized her period is late, she wasn’t too surprised about it, because it might be flash in the pan just like before. She decided not to take a pregnancy test. However after two weeks of waiting, her period still didn't come. Therefore she returned to BRC. When Dr. Li checked with ultrasound, what a surprise! There were two fetal sacs in the uterus. She is pregnant with twins and their hearts are beating! Infertility treatment usually is a long process, patients often face failure and setbacks. However as Dr. Li always said, "Life will find its own way", look at the heartbeats of these lovely twins. How delightful and touching! o:p>/o:p>

  • 【Lee Women’s Hospital】Couple from Germany ends their 6-years IVF journey in LWH
    【Lee Women’s Hospital】Couple from Germany ends their 6-years IVF journey in LWH

    【Lee Women’s Hospital】Couple from Germany ends their 6-years IVF journey in LWH

    I got married at 38 and have gone through more than 20 IVF treatments. My German husband has flown back to Taiwan several times for sperm collection. I have done PGS and other examinations but the embryos still couldn't be implanted. By chance I met Dr. Pin-Yao Lin, she suggested that I should do ERA and immunological tests. It turns out that I have cervical polyp and chronic endometritis, that’s why the embryos couldn’t be implanted. After the cervical polyp was removed, I started to take antibiotics and probiotics supplements to enhance the uterine environment. Finally I have implanted 2 mosaic embryos and got pregnant successfully! My IVF journey has finally come to an end after 6 years. I’m grateful for my mother’s accompaniment when I’m going through treatments in Taiwan, and also for the serendipity to meet Dr. Lin. Our gratitude really comes from heart. Thousands of words can’t express our deepest and heartiest thanks to Dr. Lin. This is a long journey, but don’t give up and don’t stress yourselves out. Go out and take a walk, or have a massage to relax. Eventually, everything will get better! For overseas patients, please leave a message below or contact For patients in China, please add our official WeChat account of ivftaiwan01 For patients in Hong Kong and Macau, please contact

  • 【Lee Women’s Hospital】Accepting donor egg is another optio
    【Lee Women’s Hospital】Accepting donor egg is another option

    【Lee Women’s Hospital】Accepting donor egg is another option

    This couple from Guangdong has failed egg retrieval twice in China. When they came to LWH, the wife’s AMH level was 0.07. She was almost menopause. Fortunately they didn’t give up, and they have trusted LWH. Dean Lee arranged the fourth generation IVF treatment for them and screened out the best embryo for implantation. They got pregnant successfully in the first treatment. Ten months later, a lovely baby girl joined their family. Dean Lee always encourages patients, ‘If you don’t give up, your baby will come at any time.’ 【Noble and ethical】 They have given Dean Lee a pennant that says, ‘Noble and ethical’. They told us that, ‘ This pennant shows Dean Lee‘s excellent medical skills and noble medical ethics. This is not just a pennant, it’s also an honor that Dean Lee deserves!’ We wish to use this honorarium as an encouragement to other couples.

  • 【Lee Women’s Hospital】Couple from Beijing welcomed their third child in LWH
    【Lee Women's Hospital】Couple from Beijing welcomed their third child in LWH

    【Lee Women's Hospital】Couple from Beijing welcomed their third child in LWH

    This couple was reaching 40. Although they already had 2 children, they still want a third one. But they were unable to get pregnant again after 4 years of trying. So they came to LWH to seek help from Dean Maw-Sheng Lee. They wanted to screen out the best embryo through fourth generation IVF. But because they have reached advanced maternal age, there were only 2 mosaic embryos left after screening. Mosaic embryos were often abandoned in other fertility centers. But in LWH, every embryo is precious. LWH has over 30 years of experience, we believe even mosaic embryos can turn into healthy babies. We have over hundreds of success cases already!

  • 【Lee Women’s Hospital】Japanese twins crossed 1354km to where their lives started
    【Lee Women’s Hospital】Japanese twins crossed 1354km to where their lives started

    【Lee Women’s Hospital】Japanese twins crossed 1354km to where their lives started

    Ten years ago, a pair of Japanese twins was born in LWH. Today, they have crossed 1,354km from Kyushu, Japan back to Taiwan with their mother and grandmother to visit the place where their lives started. With their greatest gratitude, they told Dean Mao Sheng Lee: ‘Thank you for creating our lives. We are so happy to have this chance to come back to where our lives started.’ Taiwan has trustworthy reproductive technology. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, foreigners were often seen in the clinics of LWH. This is because Taiwan has the best reproductive technology in the world. Thanks to the unremitting efforts of Taiwan reproductive research teams of early days on infertility. Taiwan’s IVF technology has achieved ‘Asia No.1, World No.2’. Dean Mao Sheng Lee has been committing to reproductive medical research since 1980, leading the laboratory team and physicians to travel to Europe, the US and Japan to develop new technologies. All these efforts have made this precious and borderless fate today.

  • Hope Fertility & PGT Center
    Hope Fertility & PGT Center

    Hope Fertility & PGT Center

    Mie and Jun went to the same junior high school. Some years later upon meeting again at a class reunion party, they fell in love. Soon they started talking about marriage and life together. They made their plans for the big day, however, shortly before the wedding day, Jun discovered that he had a rare hereditary disease that could potentially impact their future children and life together in a dramatic way. He was not sure what to do, so he asked Mie to make the final decision – they could part ways or decide to spend their life together. She decided that life with Jun was her destiny and that together they would try to overcome their life obstacles. After the wedding, they began to plan their future and family. They recognized that Jun’s hereditary condition would need to be taken into consideration before they could have a child. In an effort to better understand their options, they began seeking reproductive medical advice. Some possible solutions came up – pre-implantation screening - but such procedures were not easy to do in Japan. Many hurdles and processes would need to be overcome. Luckily, through Japan’s Keio University Medical Hospital, the couple found out about Taipei’s Hope Fertility & PGT Center (祈新婦產科-生殖醫學暨胚胎基因檢測). Which they immediately pursued – their journey to seek medical assistance in Taiwan started. In April 2018, Japanese doctors and the Hope Fertility & PGT Center (祈新婦產科-生殖醫學暨胚胎基因檢測). worked together to come up with an IVF treatment plan. After careful consideration of their options, the couple decided to proceed with recommended plan and as a result, healthy embryos were transferred in 2019. In October 2020, Mie was able to give birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy. After two years of hard work, their wish finally came true. Seeing the photos of the baby, I am moved by the courage, determination, and love they had for pursuing this baby - which I deeply admire! ======== Hope Fertility & PGT Center (祈新婦產科-生殖醫學暨胚胎基因檢測) CONTACT US Telephone:+886-2-2361-2800 GETTING HERE:1OF., No. 78, Huaining St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan Website:

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Case Sharing from China

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Case Sharing from China

    Taipei Fertility Center / Case Sharing from China I am from Chongqing , China. I have a similar experience with many women who have experienced infertility treatment. We went back and forth to the hospital for examinations and receiving treatment from traditional Chinese and Western medicine. If I hadn't met Dr. Tzeng, I think I might still undergo treatment. When I first started the artificial reproductive technology treatment, I was concern about the egg retrieval operation and the cost, so before going on an IVF treatment, I chose to do IUI, but failed. At the age of 37, on my friend's advise, I went to Thailand to receive the 3rd-generation IVF treatment. The doctor in Thailand made me went through two time of egg retrievals in one month. However, none of the embryos passed the Preimplantation Genetic Screening. I was extremely sad and wept for more than six months due to the treatment failure. Not until a friend in Taiwan introduced me of Dr. Tzeng., did I decided to give it a try. I came to Taiwan to see Dr. Tzeng when I was 39 years old. Unexpectedly, Dr. Tzeng's treatment plan was a success. After only one IVF treatment in Taiwan, I got pregnant and back to China to wait for my baby to be born. My baby just turned one month when I wrote this. I am very grateful for Dr. Tzeng, who made my dream of becoming a mother come true. I hope my experience can inspire couples who are undergo infertility treatment, and bring courage and strength to everyone. --Patient Experience Chongqing, China. / Miss Zhou Shu, 40 years old. TFC Website: 📍Tel:+886-2-2725-2333o:p>/o:p> 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍E-mail:admservice@tfcivf.como:p>/o:p> 「TFC App」 IOS:>/o:p> Android:

  • Taipei Fertility Center / Case Sharing from Singapore
    【Taipei Fertility Center】Case Sharing from Singapore

    【Taipei Fertility Center】Case Sharing from Singapore

    Taipei Fertility Center / Case Sharing from Singapore Our 1st child was born via IVF treatment in Singapore and ever since then, we tried to conceive our 2nd child but failed. When we seek for assistance, Dr. Wang's motto "Every cloud has a sliver lining." touched us and it was the main reason that we choese Dr. Wang. The overall IVF experiences in TFC was much better than the one in Singapore. Not only the relaxed ambience but the kindness of nurses made the experience pleasant. Dr. Wang is kind and humorous, he treated us more as friends than patients. He would discuss the treatment plan in details with us and encourage us along the way when we underwent treatment. After tested positive for pregnancy, the IVF treatment ended while we went on another journey. We concerned about going to other clinics for pregnancy checkups as covid-19 went viral. Dr. Wang, with his abundant experiences in Obstetrics and Gynecology, assisted us with the prenatal checkups. I would like to encourage couples who are infertile, it is important to support one another during the treatment. Follow the treatment plan and bring up all your inquiries to discuss with your doctor. Stay positive and your baby will arrive in the near future. TFC Website: 📍Tel:+886-2-2725-2333o:p>/o:p> 📍WeChat:tfc_ivfo:p>/o:p> 📍WhatsApp: 📍E-mail:admservice@tfcivf.como:p>/o:p> 「TFC App」 IOS:>/o:p>

  • Trying for a Second Baby?
    Trying for a Second Baby?

    Trying for a Second Baby?

    International Medical W Story: Have you heard the term ‘secondary infertility’? Many women have no issue at all when conceiving with their first child. However, some of them may experience difficulties when it comes to get pregnant with their baby number two.Secondary infertility is not uncommon and emotionally painful than many may think. Having a child already does not make their fertility journey any easier. Leiko (age:38) and her significant other half Jun is from Japan. Last year, Jun’s company had him expat to Taiwan hence they soon start their expat life in Taiwan with their two-year-old toddler. Like many other parents, they prefer to have babies close in age. After everything was settled in Taipei, she felt that she is emotionally prepared to try for another child, but nothing happened after six months of trying.Leiko has a strong feeling that her family isn’t complete yet. They did some research and found out that W clinic came highly recommended in the Japanese expat community in Taiwan and decided to give it a try. Treatment Begins! On her day of initial consultation, she underwent a full evaluation once again including a pelvic ultrasound and basic hormone level checked. She told Dr. Hsieh she still desired a relatively low intervention treatment option given that she was pregnant with her first child naturally and hope Dr. Hsieh could help them to target their most fertile window.They soon start with two clomid cycle and one low dose of gonadotropins cycle but still no luck. Move Forward with IUI- boost some fertility odds Given Leiko’s age and their desire to move quickly given her husband will stay longer in Taiwan without frequent travel between Taipei and Tokyo,Dr. Hsieh recommended they go straight with IUI and they agreed.With low dose of gonadotropins Leiko was closely monitored every step of her stimulation phase by Dr. Hsieh. W Lab: Efficient and Detailed Sperm Preparation Technique On her IUI day, she handled her husband’s semen sample as scheduled and waited for an hour for the lab to process the semen sample. At the same time, Lab technician processed the semen sample based on standard operating procedures and made an ideal proportion of gradient media based on the semen analysis results. Soon after that, the technician utilized the density gradient centrifugation to get rid of impurities, seminal plasma, white blood cells and immobile sperms. With W lab’s efficient and thorough sperm preparation technique, it successfully increased the overall motility of semen sample and leaving only what’s needed for the following IUI procedure. The IUI procedure itself is simple and virtually painless, similar to women’s yearly exam that takes just a few minutes to complete.Dr. Hsieh told her that she may resume to normal activities and do not forget her daily vaginal suppository before going to bed in the following 14 days. The Nerve-wracking two-weeks-wait For women struggle to conceive, this two-week-wait period may seem like a lifetime.Within these 14 days, Leiko did not experience any symptoms at all which made her mood swung a little bit. She thought she might get her period few days later. Another 3 days had passed; she still not got her menstrual cycle back. She got up all her courage to take a home pregnancy test. Few minutes later, two pink bright lines! A Tiny Little Heart was Beating! For patients who received fertility treatment, sometimes they will not fully allow themselves to believe a pregnancy is happening until they see a growing fetus with a beautiful heartbeat.After confirming a positive pregnancy test, she had her first ultrasound at 6 weeks, when the ultrasound screen just popped up, a tiny little heart was beating strongly! We were thrilled to listen to it! Officially Graduated from WFC Leiko and her husband were very delighted while a little sad to say goodbye to Dr. Hsieh and the fertility team on her graduation day. She brought a big bag of toffee candy as lucky goodies to share with the patients who still struggle on their fertility journey. She told us that Dr. Hsieh and his fertility team has been super supportive along her fertility journey and took their concerns very seriously.She knew that there is still a long way to go. And after long consideration, she decided to deliver their baby #2 in Taiwan and hope to bring this bundle of joy to W clinic in person in this summer! 【A word from Int’l medical team】 Secondary infertility doesn’t just impact couples who struggle to have their baby number two; it also challenges couples who had children earlier in their reproductive age but now prefer to have children in their second or third relationships.It is a good reminder that even in the youngest couples, there is approximately 20 percent to conceived with IUI in each cycle.Speak to your fertility specialist to understand your treatment options to help you make informed decisions. # Together we beat secondary infertility # Baby number two is on the way. ☏ For more information about IUI please call: +886-2 2758-6966 📩 Email: ✈ Address: No.60, Sec.2, Keelung Rd, Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan 🍼 There are at least tens of thousands Baby Woei. And Counting! Definition of Baby Woei : Baby who is born possible through IVF or IUI treatment by Dr. Chia Woei Wang

  • Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis- A tool for families affected by genetic disorders
    Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis- A tool for families affected by genetic disorders

    Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis- A tool for families affected by genetic disorders

    International Medical W Story We were thrilled by the successful stories during covid-19!o:p>/o:p> Mia and her lovely other half, Joe both carries the gene forα-thalassemia. At this time, PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis) seems their option that was sensible to have a healthy baby.For patients who decide to go with PGD program, good quality blastocysts for biopsy and viable embryo for future transfer are key factor to achieve pregnancy. With Mia’s low AMH level and being aged 38 combined with Joe’s male factor, the challenge continues. o:p>/o:p> Seek out for Second Opiniono:p>/o:p> Mia and her husband Joe are Taiwanese American. The timing of their First Visit in our center is rather unique. They just finished their egg retrieval at other fertility center and were eager to seek out for Dr. Wang’s second opinion. PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis)- A tool for families affected by genetic disorders With the “probe” been set up when they were in United States. Now, lots of prayer for a good stimulated cycle and good quality blastocyst to be biopsied and viable embryo for transfer. Counseling appointment before Egg Retrieval Despite the unsuccessful experience last cycle Mia quickly began her next stimulated cycle in our fertility center. With Mia’s low AMH level and Joe’s male factor, an experienced reproductive endocrinologist and exceptional embryology lab equipped with advanced technology and incubator system may be what they need most. And most important, they are with a highly professional fertility team pursue persistent quality improvement. o:p>/o:p>During this counseling appointment, Dr. wang understood their concerns and make sure they understand every step of his protocol and the treatment plan individualized for them to allowed them to make informed decisions. An Amazing Result o:p>/o:p>Everything seems easy this time, but we know it is not easy.o:p>/o:p> The egg retrieval went pretty well, 18 eggs were retrieved, six embryos made it to Day 5, been biopsied then sent it to genetic testing.When the PGD tests results came back two weeks later with 2 viable embryos that did not carry the gene and were suitable for embryo transfer. We were thrilled!o:p>/o:p>These two tiny embryos provide them with the chance to build a family free of the disease. This tells us maybe luck is also part of strength. They decided to transfer one viable embryo in December 2020 and were finally relieved when Mia was pregnant with their first tiny precious gift. They froze the other viable embryo, a real chance of having their healthy baby #2.o:p>/o:p>Everything seems easy this time, but we know it is not easy at all. Congratulations, mom-to-be and dad-to-be We knew that Mia and Joe just embarked on one of the world’s most wonderful journey. The fertility journey is not always easy to travel, but with the help of Dr. Wang’s fertility team, they just made it! We cannot wait to see this tiny little bundle of joy in this summer! May health and happiness bundle them up through the remainder of pregnancy as well! Note: PGD involves embryos being tested before implantation and is suitable for patients at risk of having children affected by an inherited disease.o:p>/o:p> o:p>/o:p>☏For more information about PGD please call:+886-2 2758-6966o:p>/o:p> 📩Email: bivfinter@gmail.como:p>/o:p> ✈Address: No.60, Sec.2, Keelung Rd, Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwano:p>/o:p> 🍼 There are at least tens of thousands Baby Woei. And Counting! Definition of Baby Woei : Baby who is born possible through IVF or IUI treatment by Dr. Chia Woei Wango:p>/o:p>

  • Two Lines on a Pregnancy Test
    Two Lines on the Pregnancy Test

    Two Lines on the Pregnancy Test

    I’m graduated. Past 3 years of infertility is not easy for me to go through. Every month I’m thinking it will be the month I get pregnant, but the period arrives as scheduled and I’m just disappointed. I started my IVF journey at a very famous Taiwan Hospital via the recommendation from my friend. Spent lots money but retrieved four Day 3 embryos only. There was a lot of misunderstanding during the whole IVF procedure and I failed in egg transferring finally. Feeling very sad and resting for a year, I was struggle whether I should try one more time IVF in Taiwan. At the end, I choose Dr. Wang and it was a great decision. I felt comfortable and confidence to start my 2ndIVF journey here. Dr. Wang was so different from other doctors. He was patient and considerate; he would help us to save money. So I believed I MUST get pregnant every time I met Dr. Wang. As a woman who is getting old and has low AMH, I retrieved a great amount of embryos in Dr. Wang’s clinic. Although I failed in 1stFET, Dr. Wang kept encouraging me. I still remembered his expression and tone before the surgery. I felt really relax and calm. I cried and hugged my husband when I knew I got pregnant. Finally, my twin brothers were born. One is 2.645kg and the other one is 2.25kg. So heart touching when I first met my babies. We really don’t want to delay our trip to visit Dr. Wang because of COVID-19 and the age of babies. We will bring babies to see one of the most important people when they are 1 – Dr. Wang!!

  • A bittersweat Graduation-3
    We are happy yet a little sad to say farewell to Dr. Wang’s fertility team

    We are happy yet a little sad to say farewell to Dr. Wang’s fertility team

    Hello, Dr. Wang After two heartbreaking early pregnancy losses, we start a series of fertility check-up. I was told by my previous fertility physician that low AMH level, shorter luteal phase and thyroid deficiencies would be issues to my infertility. At the time, IVF seems my only option to start a family. I brought all the hormone level and immune report while I met with you for my first appointment this May. I decided to start the process of IVF in June but this time it was cancelled unexpectedly given the poor follicular development I had. At first, this came as a shock. Later, though, you told me that “your first cycle is not a sign of how the next will go.” I still vividly remember the day of embryo transfer which was July 18th, 2020. After the transfer, you wheeled me into the recovery room and wish me good luck.o:p>/o:p>And, out of nowhere, I felt like I need a good cry as my tears welled up in my eyes.o:p>/o:p>I felt like it is your expertise and the uplifting, positive attitude you’ve created which makes me travel all the way from Hualien to Taipei to seek fertility treatment.o:p>/o:p> We are very happy that we graduated from your clinic yet a little sad to say farewell to you and your fertility team who helped me throughout the journey during this few months. We plan on keeping in touch with your fertility team as we hope to bring our little bundle of joy in person in the spring.o:p>/o:p> All the best to your fertility team Sep 13th, 2020 The patient has written Chinese poetry which cleverly inset Dr Chia Woei Wang's name in the poem! This illustrate the reciprocal relationship between patients and the clinic which we pride on our medical professionalism.

  • Good News From Guam-2
    Good News From Guam

    Good News From Guam

    Hi, Dr. Wang, I'm your patient living in Guam. I can finally share my happiness and luck with all of you. My health little boy was just born yesterday. He can't even wait to come to this world and celebrate the very first mother's day together with me. Thanks so much to Dr. Wang and the whole medical team for all your support and fulfill our 8-year long cherished wish. The baby is perfectly healthy and we can't wait to bring him to Taiwan to meet Dr. Wang and all the medical members. I am really grateful and want to let you know that we are now planning to have our baby#2 next year .We look forward to seeing you soon!

Hospital Network

Shuang Ho Hospital building

​​Taipei Medical University - Shuang Ho Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

+​886-2-22490088 ext. 8682 ​No.291, Zhongzheng Rd., Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, 23561, Taiwan Link
​​Taipei Medical University - Shuang Ho Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
An-An IVF Center

An-An Women and Children Clinic

An-An Women and Children Clinic

Becoming Clinic (Becoming Reproductive Center)

+886 2 2100-6318 2F., No. 318, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Becoming Clinic (Becoming Reproductive Center)
Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital

Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital

+886-3-856-1825 #15319.15326 No. 707, Sec. 3, Chung Yang Rd. Hualien City, Taiwan Link
Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital
Prostate surgery

Cathay General Hospital

+886-2-2325-7500 #1250 No. 280, Sec 4, Ren-Ai Road, Taipei, Taiwan Link
Cathay General Hospital
Medical building Health mental building

Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital

+886-4-781-2012 No.6, Lugong Rd. Lugang Town, Changhua County Link
Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou

+886-3-3184301 No.5, Fuxing Street, Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33305, Taiwan Link
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou
Changhua Christian Hospital's building

Changhua Christian Hospital

+886-4-7009699 No.135 Nanhsiao Street, Changhua City 50006, Taiwan Link
Changhua Christian Hospital
Chi Mei Hospital

Chi Mei Hospital

+886-6-2812811 #53546 No.901, Zhonghua Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City Link
Chi Mei Hospital
medical service

Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

+886-5-362-1000 #2176 No.6, Sec. W., Jiapu Rd., Puzi City, Chiayi County 613, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
China Medical University Hospital

China Medical University Hospital

+886-4-22052121#12961~12964 2 Yuh-Der Road, Taichung, Taiwan Link
China Medical University Hospital
China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital

China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital

+886-3-5580558 ext.1175 No. 199, Sec. 1, Xinglong Rd.,Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital
Chung Shan Hospital building

Chung Shan Hospital

+886-2-2708-1166 No.11, Ln. 112, Sec. 4, Ren’ai Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan Link
Chung Shan Hospital
Chung Shan Medical University Hospital

Chung Shan Medical University Hospital

+886-4-2473-9595 No.110, Sec. 1, Jianguo N. Rd., South Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan Link
Chung Shan Medical University Hospital
Dashin Reproductive Center

Dashin Reproductive Center

+886-4-2320-6969 No. 449, Dajin St., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Dashin Reproductive Center
Dr. Wei Kinmen Reproductive Medicine Center

Dr. Wei Kinmen Dr Wei Gammon Reproductive Medicine Clinic

+886-82-331655 3F., No. 218, Sec. 2, Taihu Rd., Jinhu Township, Kinmen County 891001 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Dr. Wei Kinmen Dr Wei Gammon Reproductive Medicine Clinic
Dr.Wang Reproductive Fertility Center

Dr.Wang Reproductive Fertility Center

02-27586966 #202 No.60, Sec.2, Keelung Rd, Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan Link
Dr.Wang Reproductive Fertility Center
E-Da Hospital

E-Da Hospital

+886-7-615-0011 #5762 No.1, Yida Road, Jiaosu Village, Yanchao District, Kaohsiung City 82445, Taiwan, R.O.C. Link
E-Da Hospital


2F., No. 108, Sec. 2, Chang'an E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City Link
Haoyun Clinic

Haoyun Clinic

No. 331, 333, Bo’ai 2nd Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City Link
Haoyun Clinic
Hospital Appearance

Hsu,Chao-Chin Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic

+886 6 3128887 71084 No. 247 Zhonghua Road, Yongkang District, Tainan City Taiwan (R.O.C) Link
Hsu,Chao-Chin Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic
HuaYu Fertility Center

Huayu Fertility Center

+886-2-2709-9966 12F No.39 Sec.2 Dunhua S.Rd. Da'an Dist. Taipei City 106 Taiwan Link
Huayu Fertility Center
Hungchi Women & Children's Hospital

Hungchi Women & Children’s Hospital

No. 223, Yuanhua Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 320 Link
Hungchi Women & Children’s Hospital
IHMED Reproductive Center

IHMED Reproductive Center

2F/7F,No.178 & 2F,No.155, Sec.3, XinyiRd.,Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan Link
IHMED Reproductive Center
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Building

Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

+886-7-731-7123 #6150 No.123, Dapi Rd., Niaosong Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Link
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital

+886-7-312-1101#5536,5507 No.100 , Tzyou 1st Road Kaohsiung City Link
Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital

Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital

+886+7+8036783 No.482, Shanming Rd., Siaogang Dist., Kaohsiung City 812, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital
Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital International Medical Service Center

Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital

+886 7 291-1101 Link
Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital
Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital

Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital

+886-7-342-2121 #4904~4911 No. 386, Ta-Chung 1st Road Kaohsiung City , Taiwan Link
Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

+886-2-2431-3131#6121 No.222, Maijin Rd., Anle Dist., Keelung City 204, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Kinmen Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

Kinmen Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

No.2, Fuxing Rd., Jinhu Township, Kinmen County 891, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Kinmen Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Lee Women's Hospital Lee Women's Hospital

Lee Women's Hospital

International Affairs Department of Lee Women's Hos 886-4-22347057 EXT.1352/1358 No. 30-6, Sec. 1, Changping Rd., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 406, Taiwan Link
Lee Women's Hospital
Lo-Hsu Foundation, Inc., Lotung Poh-Ai Hospital

Lo-Hsu Foundation, Inc., Lotung Poh-Ai Hospital

+886-3-954-3131 83 Nan Chang St.,Lotung,Yilan County Link
Lo-Hsu Foundation, Inc., Lotung Poh-Ai Hospital
MacKay Memorial Hospital

MacKay Memorial Hospital

+886-2-2543-3535 ext. 3370,3380 No.92, Sec.2, Chung-Shan North Road, Taipei, Taiwan Link
MacKay Memorial Hospital
Cheng Kung Medical Center

National Cheng Kung University Hospital

+886-6-235-3535 #3923 No.138, Sheng Li Road, North Dist., Tainan, Taiwan 704, R.O.C. Link
National Cheng Kung University Hospital
Medical Care

National Taiwan University Hospital

+886-2-2356-2900 No.7, Chung-Shan South Rd., Taipei 100, Taiwan Link
National Taiwan University Hospital


886-2-2706-5288 15F., No. 149, Sec. 3, Xinyi Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Link
Stork 11 Fertility Center

Stork 11 Fertility Center

+886-2-2532-3357 1F., No.189, Lequn 2nd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10462, Taiwan Link
Stork 11 Fertility Center
Stork Fertility Center

Stork Fertility Center

+886-3-5733355 No.80, Zhongxiao Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan Link
Stork Fertility Center
Taichung Veterans General Hospital Outpatient Building Left Side-Parking entrance

Taichung Veterans General Hospital

+886-4-2359-2525 #2504,+886-4-2359-2525 #2055 No.1650, Sec.4, Taiwan Boulevard, Taichung City, Taiwan Link
Taichung Veterans General Hospital


+886-2-27252333 14F, No. 100, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City Link

Taipei Medical University Hospital

+886-2-2737-2181 #8428,8429 No. 252, Wu-Hsin St., Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C Link
Taipei Medical University Hospital
Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Taipei Veterans General Hospital

+886-2-28757808 No.201, Sec. 2, Shipai Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan Link
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Physician treatment

Taiwan Adventist Hospital

+886-2-8773-0642 No.424, Sec. 2, Bade Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City 10556, Taiwan Link
Taiwan Adventist Hospital
Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

No.1492, Zhongshan Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 330, Taiwan Link
Taoyuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Ton-Yen General Hospital

Ton-Yen General Hospital

+886-3-657-3220 No.69, Xianzheng 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, Taiwan Link
Ton-Yen General Hospital
Tri-Service General Hospital building

Tri-Service General Hospital

+886-2-8792-3311 No.325,Sec.2,Chenggong Rd.,Neihu District,Taipei City, Taiwan Link
Tri-Service General Hospital
Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital

Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital

+886-4-2658-3899 No.699, Sec. 8, Taiwan Blvd., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City 435, Taiwan Link
Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital
Yuan’s General Hospital

Yuan's General Hospital

+886-7-269-3228 No. 162 Cheng-Kung First Rd., Ling-Ya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Link
Yuan's General Hospital
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