明遺古街The Ming Dynasty Street創建於明中葉,由衛所制度發展而成的商業市街。因城內市街發展飽和,週邊聚落也多以北門出入,所衍生。歷經明、清至近代戰地政務時期,古街內呈現明代店屋建築、傳統閩南合院式建築、戰地的防空洞等各時代多元化的歷史風貌。民國九十四年登錄為歷史建築。It was beginning to take shape in the middle of Ming Dynasty as a business quarter in accordance to the crowed ones inside the fort and traffic to other villages. For generations, there has been developed traditional shop houses, courtyard houses and bomb shelters, which reveal the diversity of Quemoy history. In 2005, they were registered by government under the category of historic building.明遺古街的遺古街故事館、黃天佑紀念館、酒鄉文化體驗館,為金門縣登錄的歷史建築經金門縣文化局整理明修復3棟建築示範,作為主題展示館,於民國100年完成。目前委外經營中。明遺古街故事館Story Pavilion故事館屋主為金門城陳家,最初由大陸永春遷居至金門的斗門,在明末期間因金門城水質佳,適合製作豆腐的關係遷入。民國初期陳家在此居住並以雜貨行、油坊、蔗舖販售為業,為明遺古街故事館的前身。The owner of this shop houses is from the Chen's family. Their ancestors migrated form Yongchun (Mainland China) to this island, and eventually moved into the Quemoy Fort. Due to the water quality being suitable suitable for tofu manufacturing in the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).In the early years of the "Republic Era (1911-)",they made a living with a grocery, oil and sugar shops.館內有金門城的脈絡、金門城古地名、明遺古街的過去與未來、常民生活的傳統穀物加工器具等介紹及展示。黃天佑紀念館Hung Teng-Yo Pavilion黃天佑自幼跟隨父親前往新加坡並習醫,於二十九歲返回金門行醫為業。民國二十二年興建黃天佑洋樓,以正廳為「醫生館」替鄉里服務,可能是金門最早的西醫。黃天佑洋樓與金門多數洋樓興建時間相近,形式差異在於其「帕拉迪奧式樣」的建築風格,對稱集中的古典主義佈局,強調建築整體與局部、局部與局部的比例,形塑出端莊樸素而又高貴的氣質。Huang went to Singapore with his father in his young age, and then fortunately he had a chance to study medicine.When he was 29, he went back to Quemoy and practices medicine. By building a western-type house in 1933, he used living room as a clinic; therefore he might be the first modern doctor in Quemoy. This is an only western-type house imitating the classic "Palladio Style" . The symmetrical façade gives this building a simple and yet elegant character.酒鄉文化體驗館Liquor Pavilion有酒類相關產業的酒館經營、傳統產業體驗、高粱酒的相關展示。