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Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum

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In 2004 the National Palace Museum received the approval from the Executive Yuan to establish a southern branch in Taibao City of Chiayi County, in order to promote cultural, social and economic development in middle and southern Taiwan. The Southern Branch is to be characterized as a "museum of Asian art and culture" that will primarily collect artefacts and relics from all parts of Asia, and will possess the functions of archiving, research, preservation, education and display of artefacts and relics from Asia. Total budget for the Project exceeds NT$7,933 million, including NT$6,000 million for construction of hardware, NT$833 for installation of software, and NT$1,100 million for (now completed) installation of the peripheral underground cable network and expansion of external roads. The Construction and Planning Agency of the Ministry of the Interior is currently being commissioned to execute the construction of the main museum building and other related structures. It is expected that test-operation of the Museum can commence at the end of 2015.
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