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Suantou Sugar Factory-Factory Village

Phone:886-5-3621855 Address:No.1, Gongchang Village, Liujiao Township, Chiayi County 615, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Japanese chose to build “Meiji Sugar Corporation-Suantou Sugar Factory” (Suantou Sugar Factory after Restoration) on the south of the mid-stream of Puzi River in 1906 and a new cluster-Factory Village was formed. Along with the establishment of the corporation, nearby communities have some changed. The land of old clusters was deprived. Suantou Sugar Factory offered job opportunities to local residents, and thus the sugar factory built an economic connection with the nearby communities. Suantou Sugar Factory was called “Meiji Treasury” in Japanese Colonial Period and later was called “Taisugar Treasury” after Restoration.Factory Village is not a nickname. Sugar Factory Village is the nickname because the village is gradually formed after Japanese began to make sugar here. In its heyday, there were market, barbershop, medical room and elementary school in the village that only takes 10 minutes to finish traveling. Since it is closely connected with Suantou Sugar Factory, it is natural to know that most villagers were Taisugar employees.
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