“The Koxinga Museum” is formerly “Museum of Taiwan History”, which in 1933 was established in Taiwan Prefecture in Anping and then relocated to Liangguang Center (in front of Taiwan Prefecture Hall). “Museum of Taiwan History” was then renamed to “Museum of Tainan History” and re-constructed in Chikanlou In 1945. In 1964 its new museum was founded together with “the Koxinga Shrine”. The old “Museum of Tainan History” was moved to where the new part sits as well; altogether, they impacted “Museum of Tainan History” to become “Museum of Tainan History and Custom” again. And when “Museum of Tainan History and Custom” was renovated in 2003, it was changed to be “The Koxinga Museum” in honor of the achievements by Koxinga in accompany of “the Koxinga Shrine".